Shipment Management

Rerate and Redrive Action

This page is accessed via: Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Costs > Rerate and Redrive.

Use this action to rerate and/or redrive the shipment and conditionally redrive downstream shipments and upstream shipments depending on location profile and shipment status.

This action can also be run as a Buy Shipment agent action. When a conditional booking is accepted, the conditional booking data is copied to the shipment. A conditional booking agent such as Shipment Conditional Booking - Rerate and Redrive listens to a shipment conditional booking data change event, and calls agent actions to change voyage, rerate, and/or redrive shipments.

You should always rerate the current shipment if the current shipment is to be redriven with this action. Specifically, when "Redrive Current Shipment" is selected, "Rerate Current Shipment" should also be selected. You can still redrive downstream or upstream shipments without rerating current shipment. The property impacts how the rererate and redrive is done.

The action can populate the Level of Service field as well as the Port of Load/Port of Discharge fields if they are null. However, they cannot be changed if they are populated.

  1. Select the options you want to run:
    1. Rerate Current Shipment - this option finds and assigns the best rate to the shipment. Existing rate record and rate offering of the shipment can be changed but the service provider, mode, equipment group, level of service - if provided, and stop structure will remain the same.
    2. Redrive Current Shipment - this options redrives the current shipment. If rerate Current Shipment is selected, this option should be selected as well.
    3. Redrive Downstream Shipments - this option is selected by default. OTM will not redrive past tendered shipments nor their downstream shipments.
    4. The Downstream Location Profile ID field is only visible if Redrive Downstream shipment is selected. If populated, OTM redrives downstream shipments only if the destination location of the current shipment belongs to the profile.
    5. Redrive Upstream Shipments - this option is not selected by default. If selected, OTM will not redrive past tendered shipments nor their upstream shipments.
    6. The Upstream Location Profile ID field is only visible if Redrive Upstream shipment is selected. If populated, OTM redrives upstream shipments only if the source location of the current shipment belongs to the profile.
    7. Update Estimated Times Only - This check box allows the Re-rate and Re-drive action to update only estimated times on shipment stops.  When this box is not checked, both the planned times and the estimated times will be updated on shipment stops.
  2. Click OK. A summary screen displays your changes.

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