Order Management

Hazardous Material Settings and Implications

The following tables explain how Oracle Transportation Management populates the various hazardous material flags and fields on the shipment given different combinations of hazardous material information provided on the order. 

If the parameter Run Hazmat Qualification Process is False:



Order Release Line Hazardous (Drop down: Yes/No/<null>)

Packaged Item Hazardous (check box)

Order Release Line Hazmat Item ID

Shipment Hazardous Flag

Shipment Ship Unit Line Hazmat Item ID




Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from order line

Hazmat item specified on order line

<not specified>






Not Hazardous

Hazmat item specified on order line

<not specified>

Not Hazardous





Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from order line

Hazmat item specified on order line

<not specified>






Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from order line

Hazmat item specified on order line

<not specified>

Not Hazardous



If the parameter Run Hazmat Qualification Process is True:



Order Release Line Hazardous (Drop down: Yes/No/<null>)

Packaged Item Hazardous (check box)

Order Release Line Hazmat Item ID

Shipment Hazardous Flag

Shipment Ship Unit Line Hazmat Item ID




Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from order line

Hazmat item specified on order line

<not specified>

Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from Hazmat Item Lookup.
Hazardous if no Hazmat item found in Hazmat Item Lookup (warning in logs and diagnostics).

Hazmat item specified found on Hazmat Item Lookup




Not Hazardous

Hazmat item specified on order line

<not specified>

Not Hazardous





Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from order line

Hazmat item specified on order line

<not specified>

Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from Hazmat Item Lookup.
Hazardous if no Hazmat item found in Hazmat Item Lookup (warning in logs and diagnostics).

Hazmat item specified found on Hazmat Item Lookup




Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from order line.

Hazmat item specified on order line

<not specified>

Value of Hazardous flag on Hazmat item obtained from Hazmat Item Lookup.

Hazmat item specified found on Hazmat Item Lookup


Note: The shipment hazardous flag mentioned above only informs whether the shipment is at least partly hazardous. The Rate Offering Hazardous Rule (roHazRule) or the Rate Geo Hazardous Rule (rgHazRule) checks whether the value of "Hazardous Rate Type" on the Rate Offering or the Rate Record is aligned with whether the shipment is fully hazardous, hazardous, or non-hazardous. The Rate Offering or Rate Record with Hazardous Rate Type "Allows Hazardous Materials" can apply to both hazardous or non-hazardous shipments. The rate with Hazardous Rate Type "Hazardous Materials only" will apply to only fully hazardous shipments, i.e., when all the items on the shipment are hazardous. The rate with Hazardous Rate Type "Non-hazardous Materials only" will apply to only non-hazardous shipments, i.e., when all the items on the shipment are non-hazardous.


Hazardous Material and the Rate Inquiry Page

In order to support the hazardous material rating using the Rate Inquiry screen, two fields exist in the Commodities section:

  • Hazardous
  • Hazmat Item ID

When the Hazardous flag is not selected, in order to determine the hazardous nature of the ship unit, set the Run Hazmat Qualification Process parameter to true which will use the hazardous flag on the packaged item to determine the hazardous nature of ship unit.

If a Hazmat Item ID is specified, it will be used, otherwise Hazmat Item ID is determined using destination and transport mode of a hazardous item which will be linked to packaged item.

The rating will work for both Rates and Rate & Route options. This rating will be handled even using Integration to query the rates.

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