Order Management

Order Release Line

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release. Click Line Item. Click New Line Item or edit an existing line item.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > Order Release Line.

This page displays the attributes of an order release line item. These are the general attributes for the line item and are not specific to any ship unit.

Adding Order Release Lines

  1. Enter an Order Release Line ID.
  2. Enter an Order Release ID.
  3. Enter a Packaged Item ID and Item ID.
  4. Enter a value in the Total Package Count field
  5. Enter a value in the Packaging Unit Count field.
  6. Select the Splittable option if this order release line is splittable.
  7. Select a packaging unit from the Packaging Unit drop-down list. This list contains all the values you have defined under Ship Unit Specifications in Power Data. The value that you select from the drop-down list identifies the physical characteristics of this packaged item.
  8. Select the Splittable option if the order release line can be broken up into multiple ship units.
  9. Enter a value in the Weight field and specify a unit of measurement.
  10. Enter a value in the Volume field and specify a unit of measurement.
  11. Enter a Declared Value.
  12. During ship unit building and shipment ship units repacking, order release lines will be further grouped based on the value of Pack With Group. Lines with different pack with groups cannot be packed into the same ship unit. Lines with the same pack with group may not be packed into the same ship unit due to capacity limits. The system has a SUBLD logic parameter REPACK SSU IGNORE PACK WITH GROUP, when this parameter is set to true, Pack With Group defined on order release line will be ignored during shipment ship unit repacking.  

    Note: Pack With Group only applies to the order configuration AUTO_CALC. When order configuration is PREPACK or ONE_TO_ONE, Pack With Group is ignored.

  13. Enter the Package Length, Width, Height, Diameter, and Core Diameter. These fields all allow for a line override of the corresponding dimension of the packaged item. They are typically used in cases where a universal packaged item is being used and the dimensions may vary. For example, a roll of paper may have different dimensions. For example, you may define a small roll as 10"-20'' diameter, medium as 20"-50" and a large cylinder as greater than 50".

    Note: The property glog.business.equipment.allowRotation impacts how the item fits in the equipment.

  14. Enter the Buy/Sell Side General Ledger Code.
  15. For informational purposes enter the Brand Name of the item.
  16. Enter the Number of Layers on Transport Handling Unit. This field is transactional data used to overwrite the static TiHi defined for THUs. If a single THU is defined on an order release line, only its TiHi will be overwritten. If multiple THUs are defined in the THU profile (while leaving the THU field empty), then TiHis for all the THUs in the profile will be overwritten.
  17. Enter the Quantity per Layer. This field is transactional data used to overwrite the static TiHi defined for THUs. If a single THU is defined on an order release line, only its TiHi will be overwritten. If multiple THUs are defined in the THU profile (while leaving the THU field empty), then TiHis for all the THUs in the profile will be overwritten.
  18. Select a Transport Handling Unit to define what the item is shipped on, such as a pallet. Transport handling units (THUs) are a type of ship unit specification.
  19. You can enter a Transport Handling Unit Profile. You can define a THU profile instead of a single THU on an order release line where all THUs in the profile will be considered during ship unit building and repacking. If any of the THUs can only take mixed items, you need to define a packaging reference unit (PRU) with a 'SAME' application rule and set the capacity of this PRU to 0 for the mixed THU. Now you need to add it to the THU profile and set a 0 capacity for a PRU with 'SAME' application.
  20. Enter Tags.
  21. Select the Type.
  22. Enter the Price per Unit.

Order Base Details

The Order Base ID and Order Base Line Item read-only fields that show the order base information associated with the order release and order release line item.

The Total Package Count, Released Count, Weight, Released Weight, Volume, and Released Volume fields come from the associated order base line. The Remaining Quantity fields are derived from those fields. These fields are hidden if the order line ID is blank.

Note: If you cannot provide total package count, net weight, and net volume, be sure to select a different order configuration in order to avoid errors when calculations are run which involve these fields.

Special Services

  1. If any special services are associated with this line item, select a Special Service Group.
  2. Select the service in the Special Service field.
  3. Click Save for each special service you enter.

Equipment Reference Units

You can select Equipment Reference Units (ERU) to limit the number of specific units being loaded on a specific equipment group. If any ERU level information is provided on the ship unit, it overrides any defined on the ship unit specification.

Note: Values entered in this section are used to populate the ERU section on the Shipment Ship Unit Manager.

  1. Enter an Equipment Reference Unit ID.
  2. Enter the number of reference units in the Number of Reference Units field.
  3. Enter a value in the Total Number of Reference Units field.
  4. Click Save for each equipment reference unit you enter.

Packaging Reference Unit Detail

  1. Enter a reference unit in the Packaging Reference Unit field.
  2. Enter a value in the Number of Packaging Reference Unit per Packaged Item field.
  3. Enter a value in the Total Number of Packaging Reference Units field.
  4. Click Save.

    Note: You can enter as many packaging reference unit details as needed. Remember to click Save after entering each one.


You can also assign item attribute values and qualifiers on the item on the Item Manager: Features page.

  1. Enter an Item Attribute Value.
  2. Enter an Item Attribute Qualifier that describes the feature for the item.
  3. Click Save for each item attribute value you define.

Pattern-based Load Configuration

  1. Enter a Leg Classification ID.
  2. Enter a Load Configuration Profile ID. These fields allow you to define a load configuration profile for a leg classification as on the ship unit.
  3. Click Save for each load configuration you specify.

Text Template

Use this section to assign a document text template.


Use this section to record remarks.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to assign reference numbers.

Involved Parties

Use this section to assign contacts/contact groups as involved parties to the order.


This section identifies whether the order release ship unit line is considered hazardous and allows you to supply transactional hazardous data at the order level instead of using the Hazardous Material Manager. The information defaults from the Hazardous Material window and the Hazardous Item window, with the Hazardous Item data taking precedence. Specific fields are addressed in the Hazardous Item help topic.

During planning, Oracle Transportation Management first considers this Hazardous flag, then the packaged item to determine whether a shipment is hazardous. See Hazardous Material Settings and Implications.

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