Order Management

Order Release: Other Attributes

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Release > Order Release. Click the Other Attributes tab.

Some of the attributes that appear on this page are similar to those available on the order base. This help page only describes the attributes that are specific to the order release. More information exists on the other attributes that are also applicable to an order base.

  1. Enter a Dim Rate Factor.
  2. Select the Known Shipper check box if you using air schedules. If the shipper is not known, the only flights the order release can go on are those where Air Cargo is selected on the flight record.

    When the order base Known Shipper check box is true (selected), the order release Known Shipper check box will also be selected. When the order base Known Shipper check box is not selected (false), the order release Known Shipper check box will not be cleared right away. Instead, a check will be run on the involved party and contact for all the known shipper values. Even if a single false is found, the Known Shipper check box will be set to false for the order release. If all the known shipper values are true, then OTM will set the value of the Known Shipper check box (set to true) at the order release level. This is also the behavior when the order release is created without any reference to an order base.
  3. Select a Planning Group if you want to group this order with other orders in the group for shipment planning.
  4. The Buy/Sell Bulk Plan ID is the ID for the bulk plan that included this order release to create shipments. This ID is automatically assigned to the order release and cannot be changed unless you unassign the order release from its shipments and re-plan the order release. This field is blank if the order release was not part of a bulk plan.
  5. A Planned Partition allows you to group specific orders together that allow the bulk plan logic to run on many partitions in parallel. This can improve the performance of bulk plan processing as well as allow you to control which orders are planned together to achieve effective consolidation. You can manually assign a partition to an order using the Partition ID field on this page. You can also include a Partition ID via integration. Alternatively, you can run the Assign Partition process in Process Management to automatically assign Partition IDs based on a saved query. You can also pre-define Partition IDs in Power Data. Once partition assignments are made, you must use the Bulk Plan process in Process Management to take advantage of partition processing.

    Note: The Bulk Plan Order Release action does not support partition processing.

  6. Enter a Buy Side/Sell Side General Ledger Code.
  7. If any order on the shipment has a Duty Paid of YES, then the shipment is marked as YES. The value of this field is copied from the order to the shipment during the build shipments process.

    When the Calculate VAT action is run for an invoice or a bill, the VAT logic looks at this field. If the value is NO, then the VAT logic will use the VAT outcome of EXEMPT_DUTY_UNPAID. If the value is YES or NA, then VAT logic will run regularly.
  8. Enter Incoterms and an Incoterm Location.
  9. The Buffer Type displays the buffer location to be used during the releasing process if the release method supports buffering.
  10. You can specify locations that serve as Stuffing and Destuffing points for orders that require unitization. You can manually constrain the stuffing/destuffing locations directly on the order or rely on a Unitization Rule to populate these fields on the resulting container groups that are created and assigned to consol shipment.
  11. You can manually enter a Stowage Mode if you want to constrain the order to use a specific voyage stowage mode. Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and have one selected using stowage mode preference rules.
  12. Enter a Unitization Condition Name. Unitization is a grouping of orders into transport units of which the most common is a container. The need for grouping may arise from customers requiring that their orders be delivered in containers, or consignors or sea carriers containerizing orders for achieving transportation efficiencies.
  13. If you want to request that an order is to be delivered in containers, you select the Customer Unitization Request check box to constrain this order to go through the unitization process when you book this order on a charter voyage. If this check box is selected the order uses the public stowage mode called UNITIZATION. Unitized orders go through a unitization process that identify the appropriate voyage and the stowage mode and then places these orders into multiple order movements.
  14. Consolidation Types can be pre-defined in Power Data and are used for information only. However, if you create a job from this order release (or its related order movements), the consolidation type entered here is copied to the new job.
  15. Buy/Sell Best Direct Rate displays the rate offering that was used to calculate the shipping cost of the order when you use the Calculate Best Direct Cost action. This field is blank if you have not performed this action and cannot be edited. This field can also be blank as a result of using the Calculate Best Direct Cost action if the order was planned across multiple legs since several rates are typically used for multi-leg shipments. Oracle Transportation Management updates this field each time this action is performed.
  16. Buy/Sell Best Direct Cost displays the calculated shipping cost as a result of using the Calculate Best Direct Cost action. This field is blank if you have not performed this action and cannot be edited. If the order is large and is planned on several shipments, Oracle Transportation Management totals the cost of each shipment and displays that value in this field. Oracle Transportation Management updates this each time that the action is performed.
  17. If the release includes any items designated as dangerous goods or hazardous items, enter an emergency contact telephone number in the Emergency Phone Number field.


  1. Enter an Accessorial Code ID.
  2. Click Save for each accessorial code ID you specify.

Special Services

Note: You can enter a special service that applies to the whole order release or you can make the special service specific to one or both of the source and destination stops using the Source/Destination Location field. If you made your special service default to a location and you leave the drop-down menu empty in the order release, OTM will use the default value but will not display that value here. If you made your special service default to a location and you do specify a location in the order release, that value will override whatever value you chose as the default value on the special service.

  1. If the service is part of a group, enter the name in the Special Service Group field.
  2. Enter a Special Service.
  3. If desired, enter a special service time duration in the Duration fields and a special services source or destination location in the Source/Dest Location field.
  4. Click Save for each special service you specify.

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