Order Management

Order Release

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Release > Order Release.

An order release can be created from the release instructions specified on an order base or independently of an order base. An order release always contains at least one ship unit or one line item. Some details are copied from the order base. Other field values can be entered to control shipment planning and while some values are calculated during the order release process.

Oracle Transportation Management provides you with the ability to use a template to create a new order release. In order to do so, you must set the property glog.order_release.show_template to true. Oracle Transportation Management will ask you to specify a template before it opens the Order Release manager.

An order release can inherit most of its data from the order base from which it was created such as the order base ID, source/destination locations, pickup/delivery dates, and some of the ship unit or line item data.

Note: Order release modifications to ship units or ship unit lines that are on the original order base automatically update the released quantities on the order base ship unit or order base line respectively.

Deleting order releases also updates the appropriate values on the order base.

Ship units or ship unit lines that are added to an order release are not reflected on the original order base and these new records do not impact the order base.

The following properties impact validation:

Adding Order Releases

Note: If you do not enter an early pickup value, and you are using show network routing option - ocean, you should enter a value for the parameter MIN BUNDLING TIME WINDOW AFTER CURRENT TIME.

Note: If the parameter CONSIDER VOYAGE SCHEDULES IN CONTAINER OPT is on (true) and the itinerary leg has a via location, then for the late delivery date, OTM takes the early date plus 60 days (the default of the property glog.business.conopt.CONSchedule.numDaysLateTimeAfterEarlyTime.

  1. The Order Release ID is assigned when the order release is created and cannot be changed. The Order Release ID is generated by the Business Number Generator (BNG).
  2. Enter an Order Release Name to describe the order release.
  3. Select a Release Attribute for purposes of identification and searching.
  4. Select the Splittable check box to allow splitting of the order. This check box has priority over the Splittable check boxes on the Ship Unit tab. If not selected, the order cannot be split at all. The default value of the check box is controlled by the glog.webserver.order.IsSplittableDefault property.
  5. Click the Status button to display the current status types and status values that are assigned to the order release. You can create your own status types and values that you can assign to an order release.
  6. Select the Use as a Template check box to treat this order release as a template for re-use. Orders that have this check box selected will not be bulk planned.
  7. Select the Template Type if you are setting up an order release as a template. The following template types exist:
    • Buyer: Designating the order release as a buyer template makes the template available when choosing a template in the Buyer Manager.
    • Customer: Designating the order release as a customer template makes the template available when choosing a template in the Customer Manager.
    • Domain: Allows you to create templates for domains.
    • Service: Select Service to create a service template and automatically assign services to orders. Service template is based on buyer (destination) and service and can be further constrained by a source location and/or packaged item.

    Note: When defining a service template, you will not be able to save the template if ship units and/or services are defined on the template.

    • Standard: If the template is not specific to buyer, customer or service, choose standard.
    • Schedule: This sets a shipment's schedule.
  8. Enter a Priority if you want to differentiate some order releases as a high, medium or low priority for planning purposes. Valid values are 1-999, the higher the number, the higher the priority. You can define it's use as well as the upper limit of the low priority and medium priority by using parameters. This field can either be manually assigned or automatically assigned based on auto assignment rule with user defined criteria. The priority is copied to the order movement during the building of order movements. If no priority is entered, the lowest priority is assigned. Note that when a priority of an order release is updated from one priority to another, existing priorities on order movements are not updated. Also when the priority of the order movement is changed, this change does not change the priority of the order release. There are additional parameters to determine weighting and use of priority.
    To have priority honored in ship unit building, you need to turn on the following two parameters: "PRIORITY_IN_USE" and "USE_PRIORITY_IN_CONOPT_SORTING".
  9. Click Set Load/Unload Points to assign a specific load or unload point to the source or destination location on the order release.
  10. Use the Early and Late Pickup/Delivery dates to establish the appropriate pickup and delivery time window for the order. The early and late pickup/delivery dates can also be used to set appointments. You can perform mass updates of pickup and delivery dates for multiple order releases using the Change Pickup and Delivery Dates action.
  11. If the order release was created from a quote, then the Quote ID it was created from will appear here.
  12. The Top-off Order check box identifies an order as a top-off order. A top-off order enables you to utilize the full equipment capacity. The multistop logic can identify top-off shipments (i.e. shipments containing only top-off orders) and use them only to fill up the consolidated core shipments (i.e. shipments containing only non-topoff orders) which are still under utilized in terms of equipment capacity. See the Topping Off section of Bulk Plan Tuning Multi-stop Shipment Logic topic.
  13. Make a selection from the Payment Method drop-down list.
  14. Select terms in the Commercial Payment Terms drop-down list.
  15. Select a configuration from the Order Configuration drop-down list; however, if you checked the Template option, this field is not required. You will not be able to add ship unit or line information if you do not select an order configuration.
  16. The Earliest Estimated Pickup Date is read only. It shows the earliest departure time for all of the first leg shipments on the order release. It is displayed in the time zone of the source location. This is controlled by a parameter, RECALC ORDER EARLIEST EST PICKUP DATES. It is also affected by the glog.workflow.topic.OrderEarliestEstPickupDateSync.suppresslifetime property.
  17. The Latest Estimated Delivery Date is read-only. It shows the latest delivery date from the last leg shipments. It is displayed in the time zone of the destination location. This is controlled by a parameter, RECALC ORDER LATEST EST DELIVERY DATES.
  18. If you are setting up a blind pickup, check the Pre-entered Pickup Order option.
  19. The Source and Destination Location fields are automatically populated with the locations that you entered on the original order base, if applicable. You can change these locations on the order release without having to change them on the order base. When building shipments, if the Plan From/To Locations are not populated, then these locations are used. If these locations are used, then the status of both locations must be active or the shipment will not be created.
  20. Plan From/To Location fields let you override the default alternate location from which an order will be sourced/delivered for transportation planning purposes. The fields also serve as override locations when running the Move Order to Existing Shipment action. This default is defined as the Substitute Location in the Location Manager. It allows you to specify an alternate location based on the Source/Destination Location that you record for the order. If you specify a source location and not a plan from location, the Plan From Location field will be automatically populated when you save, with the substitute location from the Location Manager. Although if you manually specify the plan from location it will not be cleared or changed to the substitute location value.

    For example, you may order goods from a supplier at one location but the goods may actually ship from a different location. For any location that you define in Location Manager, you can record a substitute location. This substitute location is copied to the Plan From Location field on the order release when the order is released. However, you can use this field to override the substitution location that is mapped to the source location you entered on the order.

    If these locations are populated, the locations must be active or the shipment will not be created.

    Note: Oracle Transportation Management uses the plan from/to locations on the order release as the source/destination location during shipment planning. If these fields are blank, Oracle Transportation Management uses the Source/Destination Location fields to plan a shipment.
  21. Primary Leg Source and Destination Locations are used for international shipments where the entire movement, from the original source to the final destination, is defined as one leg in the itinerary manager. These fields identify where the ocean carrier is picking the shipment up from and delivering it to.

    If a Primary Leg Source or Destination Location is defined for an order release, then for an itinerary to be valid, it must have a matching source or destination respectively.
  22. When building shipments, Oracle Transportation Management will use the Port of Load and the Port of Discharge to find itineraries with matching VIA locations. Port of load is the source port for an international shipment where the entire movement is defined as one leg in the itinerary manager. Similarly, the port of discharge is its destination port.

    If a port of load or port of discharge is defined for an order release, then for an itinerary to be valid, it must have a matching VIA Source or VIA Destination Location respectively.

    For example, if an order begins in Maastricht, Netherlands, is shipped via truck to Rotterdam, then shipped via vessel to Philadelphia where it is then shipped via truck to Pittsburgh, PA, then the primary leg source is Maastricht, the port of load is Rotterdam, the port of discharge is Philadelphia, and the primary leg destination is Pittsburgh.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to assign reference numbers.

Specific Equipment to Be Ordered

Use this section if you want to constrain the order release to ship on specific equipment. The equipment that you enter here overrides any equipment specified on either the parent order base or itinerary (in the equipment group profile). Any equipment specified here must be assigned to a ship unit via the Order Release Equipment field on the ship unit.

  1. Enter a Sequence for the equipment. This number precedes the equipment group choices that appear in the Order Release Equipment ID field on the Ship Unit tab.
  2. Enter an Equipment Group. When you identify equipment on the order, Oracle Transportation Management skips container optimization process when building shipments.
  3. Specify an Equipment Type. Specifying an Equipment Type is useful if you assign more than one of the same Equipment Group. For example, if you assign two 53FT containers, you may want to uniquely identify one container from the other using the Equipment Type.
  4. Enter an Equipment ID.
  5. Enter the Equipment Initial. If the Equipment Initial/Number field is blank and this field is populated, then the Equipment Initial/Number field with be filled with concatenated data from the Equipment Initial and Equipment Number fields.
  6. Enter the Equipment Number. If the Equipment Initial/Number field is blank and this field is populated, then the Equipment Initial/Number field with be filled with concatenated data from the Equipment Initial and Equipment Number fields.
  7. Enter the Equipment Initial/Number. The Equipment Initial/Number field is usually a concatenation of the Equipment Initial and Equipment Number fields. If this field is left blank, but the Equipment Initial and Equipment Number fields are populated, then this field will be populated with a concatenation of the values of the other two fields. This field identifies the carrier who owns the equipment. This is standard alpha code (also known as a "mark") that is uniquely assigned to the carrier and is associated with their SCAC code (Standard Carrier Alpha Code).
  8. Click Save for each equipment group you specify.

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