Order Management

Order Management Overview

This is a brief overview of the order management model employed by Oracle Transportation Management (OTM). This document is intended to provide an overview of order management functionality as well information for configuring OTM to process orders. Users migrating from versions prior to 6.2 should review the migration chapter.

Order Bases & Releases

Orders may be entered into OTM as order bases or order releases.
  • Order Base: The total amount of product to be shipped, generally in intervals over a period of time. You can also enter an order base using the Rapid Order Base page.
  • Order Release: The amount of product to be planned for shipping by OTM. Order releases may be entered directly into OTM via the user interface or XML integration, or they may be created from order bases using various actions. You can also enter an order base using the Rapid Order Release page.

Lines & Ship Units

Order bases and order releases may be entered with line items or with ship units.

  • Lines: Use when information is known about the product itself such as net weight or net volume and not much is known about how it will be packed for shipping.
  • Ship Units: Use when it is known how the product will be packed for shipping. For example, ship units would be an ideal mechanism to model 10 pallets each with a known gross weight, gross volume, or dimensions.

Note: When you create order releases from an order base, you may use portions of an order base line to create order release lines. Similarly, you may use portions of order base ship units  to create order release ship units.

Orders By Line

On the Order Configuration Manager Header tab, choose Line in the Order Base/Release Creation field. On the Order Release tab, the releasing logic will indicate how ship units will be built from lines.

Orders By Ship Unit

On the Order Configuration Manager Header tab, choose Ship Unit in the Order Base/Release Creation field.

On the Order Release tab, you can choose whether or not to calculate Gross Weight/Volume, Total Package Count, Packing Unit Count on Ship Unit Line as well as designate how to calculate Gross/Net/Total Weight/Volume on a ship unit.

Order Planning

The OTM planning algorithm determines optimal shipping based on order release ship units. If an order is created with lines, OTM will create ship units based on a user-defined configuration.

Order Configuration

Use the Order Configuration page in Order Management Power Data to configure both the types of orders that will be entered and determine how OTM will calculate various fields. For example, this is where you can indicate whether orders will be entered by line or by ship unit. Each order base and order release entered in OTM must have an order configuration attached.

The following properties are used with integration data. If the data does not include a release configuration, these tell Oracle Transportation Management which release configuration to use:

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