Order Management

Order Configuration: Order Release

This page is accessed via Order Management > Power Data > Order Configuration > Order Configuration. Then click the Order Release tab.

This page allows you to define configurations for order releases. The configuration you define determines how calculations are performed for some fields. The page you see depends on your selection from the Order Base/Release Creation drop-down list on the Header tab.

Shipment ship units and shipment ship unit lines on standalone order movements, shipment modifications, and order release modifications will be updated/calculated based on the existing calculation methods and formulas set under the Order Configuration: Order Release tab.

The following properties are used with integration data. If the data does not include a release configuration, these tell Oracle Transportation Management which release configuration to use:


Order Release Line

If you selected "Line" on the Header page, use this page to configure how release lines are to be handled.

  1. Select the appropriate Releasing Logic. Depending on your choice, various fields are displayed.

Releasing Logic - One Ship Unit for All Lines:

Use this selection if you want all line items to be planned onto a single ship unit. When you select this option button, the following fields are displayed.

    1. Select the Allow Repack option if you want all lines to be placed into one ship unit and the newly-created order release to re-plan if necessary.

      Note: The Allow Repack option controls the order release's single ship unit Allow Repack setting.

    2. If you have selected the allow repack option, use the Initial Transport Handling Unit field to indicate the transport handling unit with which the ship unit will be created.
    3. Select Allow Creation of Mixed Freight Ship Units if you wish to permit the creation of mixed freight ship units. If you choose this option, another field becomes available. This check box is available only when the Allow Repacks check box is selected.
    4. Mixed Freight Volume Target Percent Full: The maximum percentage of fullness required to generate a mixed freight ship unit. The volume capacity of the transportation handling unit will be reduced by this amount when mixed freight ship units are built. This field is available only when the Allow Creation of Mixed Freight Ship Units is selected.

Releasing Logic - One Ship Unit per Line:

Use this selection if you want each line item to be planned on a separate ship unit. When you select this option button, the following fields are displayed.

    1. Select the Pack Each Item to Individual Ship Unit option if you want to pack each item into its individual ship unit. When you select this option, the Ship Unit Count of the ship unit will be equal to Total Package Count of the order release line.
    2. Select a Splittable option.
      • On: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box to true, overriding the order base line's Splittable check box.
      • Off: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box to false, overriding the order base line's Splittable check box.
      • Leave Alone: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box according to the order base line's Splittable check box.

Releasing Logic - Determine Number of Ship Units:

Use this selection if you want to build mixed pallets.

    1. Select the Allow Repack of Partial Ship Units option if you want to have partial ship units to be re-packed during planning. When this option is selected, ship units that have been created will be marked for repacking if they fall below the repack percent threshold.
    2. The Repack Percent Threshold option allows you to control which ship units will be evaluated during shipment building for repacking. If the ship unit is above this threshold, it will not be marked for repacking. If it falls below the threshold percentage, the lines on the ship unit will be evaluated to determine if they can be consolidated with other lines to form a better transport handling unit. This field is available when the Allow Repack of Partial Ship Units check box is selected.
    3. Select a Splittable option.
      • On: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box to true, overriding the order base line's Splittable check box.
      • Off: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box to false, overriding the order base line's Splittable check box.
      • Leave Alone: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box according to the order base line's Splittable check box.
    4. Select the Create Individual Ship Units option if you wish to create individual ship units.
    5. Select Allow Creation of Mixed Freight Ship Units if you wish to permit the creation of mixed freight ship units. If you choose this option, another field becomes available.
    6. Mixed Freight Volume Target Percent Full: The maximum percentage of fullness required to generate a mixed freight ship unit. The volume capacity of the transportation handling unit will be reduced by this amount when mixed freight ship units are built. This field is available only when the Allow Creation of Mixed Freight Ship Units is selected.

Click Finished when you have completed your work on this page.

Order Release Ship Unit

If you selected "Ship Unit" on the Header page, use this page to configure how release lines are to be handled.

  1. Select a Splittable option.
    • On: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box to true, overriding the order base line's Splittable check box.
    • Off: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box to false, overriding the order base line's Splittable check box.
    • Leave Alone: Sets the order release ship unit's Splittable check box according to the order base line's Splittable check box.
  2. Select the Allow Repack option if you want all lines to be placed into one ship unit and the newly-created order release to re-plan if necessary.

    Note: The Allow Repack option controls the order release's single ship unit Allow Repack setting.

Common Fields

The following fields are available regardless of the Line/Ship Unit choice made on the Header page.

Select a Ship Unit Calculation.

  • Calculate Ship Unit Metrics from Ship Unit Line: When this option is selected from the Ship Unit Calculation drop-down list, the ship unit line's item count/package count/weight/volume/ will be calculated according to data provided on the ship unit line first. Then, the Ship Unit's net/gross weight/volume will be calculated according to the formulas.
  • Create/Update Single Ship Unit Line for Ship Unit: When this option is selected from the Ship Unit Calculation drop-down list, the ship unit's net/gross weight/volume will be calculated according to the formulas first. Then, if the ship unit line does not exist, it will be created. Otherwise, depending on the ship unit line configuration (always/if null/never), the ship unit line's weight/volume will be set from ship unit.
  • Calculate Ship Unit Metrics Within Ship Unit/Ignore Lines: When this option is selected from the Ship Unit Calculation drop-down list, the ship unit's net/gross weight/volume will be calculated according to the formulas first. If the ship unit line does not exist, it will be created. Depending on Ship Unit Line configuration (always/if null/never), the ship unit line's weight/volume will be set from existing data on ship unit line.

    Note: Weight/Volume on Ship Unit Line and Weight/Volume on Ship Unit have no effect on each other.

In the following sections, you can tell OTM to use these formulas:

  • Never: the formula for that field will never be used
  • Always: the formula for that field will always be used
  • Only if Null: only use the formula if there is no data in the field.

Ship Unit

You can set rules for the following fields based on the formulas above:

  • Gross Weight
  • Net Weight
  • Gross Volume
  • Net Volume
  • Total Gross Weight
  • Total Gross Volume

Ship Unit Line

You can set rules for the following fields based on the formulas above:

  • Gross Weight
  • Total Package Count
  • Gross Volume
  • Packaging Unit Count

Order Release Line

You can set rules for the following fields based on the formulas above:

  • Weight
  • Volume

Click Finished when you have completed your work on this page.

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