Order Management

Splittable on Order Release

The splittable check box is on the order release manager accessed via Order Management > Order Release > Order Release.

The option is also found at Order Management > Order Base. Then click the Line Item tab and then click New Line Item.

While creating an order release from an order base that has lines, the Splittable check box is set based on the selected Releasing Logic and Splittable check box on the order configuration as well as the Splittable check box on the order base line.

The following table shows settings and expected results for various scenarios.



Expected Result

1. Order Base: One ship unit for all lines.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with one ship unit for all lines

2. Create an order base and release it

Order release is splittable = No

On all ship units is splittable = No

On all ship units is count splittable = No

2. Order Release: One ship unit for all lines.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with one ship unit for all lines

2. Create an order release

Order release is splittable = No

Ship units is splittable = No

Ship units is count splittable = No

3. Order Base: One ship unit per line/splittable is on.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with one ship unit per line

2. Set the splittable flag to on

3. Create an order base and release it

Order release is splittable = Yes

All ship units is splittable = Yes

All ship units is count splittable = No

4. Order Release: One ship unit per line/splittable is on.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with one ship unit per line

2. Set the splittable flag to on

3. Create an order release

Order release is splittable = Yes

All ship units is splittable = Yes

All ship units is count splittable = No

5. Order Base: One ship unit per line/splittable is off.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with one ship unit per line

2. Set the splittable flag to off

3. Create an order base and release it

Order release is splittable = No

On all ship units is splittable = No

On all ship units is count splittable = No

6. Order Release: One ship unit per line/splittable is off.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with one ship unit per line

2. Set the splittable flag to off

3. Create an order release

Order release is splittable = No

On all ship units is splittable = No

On all ship units is count splittable = No

7. Order Base: One ship unit per line/splittable is left alone.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with one ship unit per line

2. Set the splittable flag to leave alone

3. Create an order base and check the is split allowed flag to Yes on 2 order base lines and the is split allowed flag to No on the other 2 order base lines

1. Order release is splittable = Yes

2. The ship units with the order base line is split allowed = yes

Ship unit is splittable = Yes

Ship units is count splittable = No

3.  The ship units with the order base line is split allowed = No

Ship unit is splittable = No

Ship units is count splittable = No

8. Order Base: One ship unit per line/splittable is left alone.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with one ship unit per line

2. Set the splittable flag to leave alone

3. Create an order base and leave the splittable flag blank on all order base lines

Order release is splittable = No

The ship units with the order base line is split allowed = No

Ship unit is splittable = No

Ship unit is count splittable = No

9. Order Base: Determine number of ship units/splittable is on.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with determine number of ship units

2. Set the splittable flag to On

3. Create an order base and release it

Order release is splittable = Yes

On all ship units is splittable = No

On all ship units is count splittable = Yes

10. Order Base: Determine number of ship units/splittable is off.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with determine number of ship units

2. Set the splittable flag to Off

3. Create an order base and release it

Order release is splittable = No

On all ship units is splittable = No

On all ship units is count splittable = No

11. Order Base: Determine number of ship units/splittable is leave alone.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with determine number of ship units

2. Set the splittable flag to leave alone

3. Create an order base and check the is split allowed flag = yes on 2 order base lines and the is split allowed flag = no on the other 2 order base lines

1. Order release is splittable = Yes

2. The ship units with the order base line is split allowed = yes

Ship unit is splittable =No

Ship units is count splittable = Yes

3. The ship units with the order base line is split allowed = No

Ship unit is splittable = No

Ship units is count splittable = No

12. Order Base: Determine number of ship units/splittable is leave alone.

1. Set the Order Config by Lines with determine number of ship units.

2. Set the splittable flag to leave alone.

3. Create an order base and leave the is split allowed flag = blank on all order base lines.

Order release is splittable = No

The ship units with the order base line is split allowed = No

Ship unit is splittable = No

Ship unit is count splittable = No

13. Order Base – Ship Units

1. Set the Splittable flag to On in the Order Config SHIP_UNITS

2. Create an order base and release it.

Order release is splittable = Yes

For each Ship Unit that was created check the Ship_unit_count field.

If Ship_unit_count = 1 and there is only 1 ship unit content row then

Set On Ship Unit is_splittable=Yes

Set On Ship Unit is_count_splittable=No

Else if Ship_unit_count=1 and there are more than 1 ship unit content rows then

Set On Ship Unit is_splittable=No

Set On Ship Unit is_count_splittable=No


Set On Ship Unit is_splittable=No

Set On Ship Unit is_count_splittable= Yes

14. Order Base – Ship Units

1. Set the Splittable flag to Off in the Order Config SHIP_UNITS.

2. Create an order base and release it.

Order release is splittable = No

Ship units is splittable = No

Ship units is count splittable = No

15. Order Base – Ship Units

1- Set the Splittable flag to Leave Alone  in the Order Config SHIP_UNITS.

2. Check the Splittable_By field on the OB_SHIP_UNIT.

If any of the OB_SHIP_UNITS have the splittable_by field not null then

Set order release is_splittable=Yes

For each ship unit that was created

check the OB_Ship_Unit it was created from.  

If splittable_by = Bulk then

Set On Ship Unit  is_splittable=Yes

Set On Ship Unit  is count_splittable=No

Else if splittable_by= Count then

Set On Ship Unit is_bulk_splittable=No

Set On Ship Unit is_count_splittable=Yes


Else if splittable_by = null or Individual Ship Unit

Set On Ship Unit is_splittable = No

Set on Ship Unit is_splittable=No

If none of the OB_SHIP_UNITS have splittable_by not null then

Set order release is_splittable=No

Set On Ship Unit  is_splittable=No

Set On Ship Unit is_count_splittable=No

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