Order Management

Order Movement

This page is reached via Order Management > Order Movement > Order Movement.

An order movement allows you to plan portions of an order release based on routing. For example, you may want:

  • One transport planner to manage exporting an order from source to port.
  • A second transport planner to manage ocean transports from port to port.
  • A third transport planner to manage importing the order from port to destination.
  • A stand-alone order movement.
  • The ability to create and employ an order movement template.

To accommodate this, you would generate one order movement for each itinerary leg: export, ocean, and import. Each transport planner can then manage and build shipments for each order movement.

Note: You can also use the Manually Create Order Movements action on the Order Release Manager to build an order movement.

Create Order Movements

There are several ways to create an order movement:

Note: Order movements are automatically created when planning an order release.

  1. Starting in 6.0, just plan the order release in to shipments. Order movements are created automatically now for every new shipment.
  2. Split the movement of an order release based on a matching itinerary with legs to create a permanent order movement. The order release is never split in this case. Its movement from source to destination is split among one or more shipments. It travels on multiple shipments to get from its source to destination. To do this, you perform the following steps to create shipments and order movements from an order release:
    • Create a multi-leg itinerary that defines the route. On this itinerary, you need to populate the Expected Transit Time on all itinerary legs, except the primary leg. Oracle Transportation Management uses the Expected Transit Time to calculate pickup and delivery time windows on order movements.
    • Create and split the movement of an order release into movements using the following order release actions:
  3. Split an existing shipment and create an order movement instead of a new shipment. When splitting an existing shipment you can create an order movement instead of another shipment. You perform the following steps to create shipments and order movements from a shipment:
  4. Use the Build Shipment on Primary Leg action to book an order release on a charter voyage or flight and create order movements for legs prior to and after the primary leg.

Manage Order Movements and Build Shipments

Manually Created Order Movements

Bulk plan is able to process and plan manually created order movements onto shipments. The logic that checks "Original Leg ID" will use the "Leg ID" if the Original Leg ID is null.

Note: Bulk plan will not consolidate order movements with different Leg IDs. Each manually created order movement will have a unique Leg ID, and thus will not be able to consolidate with other order movements.

Order Movement Header

Note: If you have set the glog.order_movement.show_template property to True, you will be asked to enter a template ID when opening the Order Movement Manager.

  1. The Order Movement ID is generated by the Business Number Generator and cannot be changed after the order movement is created.
  2. Perspective identifies whether this is a buy or sell order movement. The perspective is determined by the perspective of the shipment or itinerary depending on how the order movement was created; for example, from an order release or shipment.
  3. The planning status of an order movement changes as actions are performed. Click Status to display the current order movement status.

    Note: The Status button is only displayed when you are viewing/editing an existing order movement.

  4. The Creation Process Type identifies whether the order movement was created from an order release (SYSTEM-ITINERARY) or from a shipment (SYSTEM-ACTIONS).
  5. The Order Release ID displays the order release from which this order movement was created.

    Note: The Order Release ID and Shipment ID fields are read-only fields which appear only on the View and Edit screens.

  6. If there is a shipment associated with this order release, use the Shipment ID field to identify it.
  7. Select the Use as a Template option if you intend for this movement to be a template.

    Note: When an order movement is saved as a template, it is not necessary to enter ship units with the order movement.

  8. You cannot change the Source Location of an order movement if the order movement Seq No is 1. If you change the source location of an order movement, you should also change the destination location on the previous order movement. If you change the Destination Location of an order movement, you should also change the Source Location on the following order movement. Oracle Transportation Management automatically marks the appropriate Fixed check boxes on locations when the order movement is created. When building shipments, the status of both locations must be active or the shipment will not be created.
  9. You cannot change the Early Pickup Date of the first order movement. If this date was blank on the order release, the default is current time - one year.
  10. You also cannot change Late Pickup Date of the first order movement. If this date was blank on the order release, the default is blank.
  11. You cannot change the Early Delivery Date of the last order movement. If this date was blank on the order release, the default is blank.
  12. You cannot change the Late Delivery Date of the last order movement. If this date was blank on the order release, the default is current time + one year or for the last order movement.


    For 'Early Pickup Date' and 'Operational Early Pickup Date', OTM will take the later of these two fields.

    For 'Late Delivery Date' and 'Operational Late Delivery Date, OTM will take the earlier of these two fields.

    Early Pickup Date Calculation

    When creating order movements from an order release, the Early Pickup Date of the order movement is calculated based on the time window of the order release as well as related information (primary leg or not and estimated transit time) on the itinerary leg.

    The calculation is as follows:

        For the first order movement (order movement created on first leg), the order movement early pickup date = order release early pickup date.

        For order movements corresponding to legs after the main leg (main leg is defined as primary leg or leg without estimated transit time specified), order movement early pickup date = order movement early delivery date - estimated transit time on leg; the first order movement early delivery date is the order release early delivery date

        For other order movements, the order movement early pickup date = previous order movement early pickup date + estimated transit time on leg; the first previous order movement early pickup date is the order release early pickup date.

  13. Original Leg ID shows the original ID. There are order movement constraints used for planning so you can ignore this constraint if desired. If two order movements are planned together, the alphabetically or numerically first original ID is used.
  14. Original Leg Position is a relative position of the original leg to the primary leg in the itinerary such that a primary leg's position is 0 and positions for legs to left of the primary legs (pre-transport) are -1, -2, etc. Positions for legs after the primary leg are 1, 2, etc. There are order movement constraints used for planning so you can ignore this constraint if desired.

Here is an example of how the Original Leg ID and Original Leg Position fields get populated: when order movements are created from an itinerary, suppose the itinerary has four legs and leg3 is the primary leg. Then we have the following Order Movements created:






Original Leg ID





Original Leg Position





For bulkplan: OTM consolidates order movements with the same original leg position. However, there is a parameter "ALLOW DIFF ORIG LEG GID OMS CONSOLIDATE" to control whether to consolidate order movements with different leg IDs.

For multi-stop order movement action: you can use the parameter "ALLOW DIFF ORIG LEG GID OMS CONSOLIDATE" to either allow or not allow order movements with different original leg IDs to be consolidated. Additionally, in the Ignore Criteria page, you can also choose:

Ignore Same Original Leg ID

Ignore Same Original Leg Position

If you choose to Ignore Same Original Leg ID, then OTM will consolidate order movements with different original leg ID regardless of the setting for the parameter "ALLOW DIFF ORIG LEG GID OMS CONSOLIDATE".

If you choose to Ignore Same Original Leg, then OTM will consolidate order movements with different original leg positions.

  1. Parent Source/Destination Location IDs only appear if this order movement was created using the Build Buy Shipment on Primary Leg action. It displays the source and destination locations of the charter voyage when the stowage modes for the charter voyage have terminal locations defined.
  2. The Total Weight, Total Volume, and Total Ship Unit Count fields are all calculated from the ship units on the order movement and are read-only.
  3. Enter a Priority if you want to differentiate some order movements as a high, medium or low priority for planning purposes. Valid values are 1-999, the higher the number, the higher the priority. You can define it's use as well as the upper limit of the low priority and medium priority by using parameters. There are additional parameters to determine weighting and use of priority.
  4. Pickup Routing Sequence and Dropoff Routing Sequence control the routing sequence; how Oracle Transportation Management plans the sequence of shipment stops that are built from an order base.
  5. The Network Routable check box can only be selected if adding a new order movement. This check box must be selected to use the order movement actions "Show Network Routing Options" and "Show Network Routing Options - Ocean".


This section gives you the opportunity to create/view/edit additional information about the order movement, including equipment group information, service provider information, rating, and transit time. If the property glog.business.order.ignoreOrderMovementConstraints is true, order movement constraints, such as service provider, transport mode etc will be ignored for shipment actions. The constraints from order release, if any, will still be used. The default is false.
  1. Ship with Group functionality acts as an order planning constraint to prevent orders in a given bulk plan with non-identical Ship with Group ID's from bundling into shipments. A value of 'null' (default value) will bundle with all other orders with a value of 'null' but will not be considered a bundling candidate for an order with the Ship with Group field populated with any value. Similarly, multiple orders, in the same bulk plan with identical Ship with Group ID's will be considered candidates for consolidation, while other orders in that same bulk plan with dissimilar Ship with Group ID's will not.
  2. Leg Classification ID this is used for order movement group building. See parameter BULK PLAN ORDER MOVEMENTS BY LEG CLASSIFICATION. If using this logic, the logic will handle only order movements with a leg classification, and will not plan those without a leg classification.
  3. Planning populates the Leg Consolidation Group based on the following rules:
    1. If the order movement is being created for a leg with a leg classification, and the order release has an Order Release Leg Constraint entry for that leg classification, then the order movement will get the leg consolidation group from that order release leg constraint entry (unless it is null).
    2. If there is no order release leg constraint entry for the leg's leg classification, and if the order movement is being created for a primary leg, then the order movement will get the Leg Consolidation Group from the order release (unless it is null).
    3. If after a and b, OTM has not found a non-null value for Leg Consolidation Group, and if the order movement is being created for a leg with a leg consolidation group, then the order movement will get this value from the leg, even if it is null.

      You can also edit an order movement's Leg Consolidation Group.

  4. Routing Constraint ID shows the Routing Constraints that apply to this Order Movement. The field only displays when the "Network Routable" check box is selected.

Ship Units

The Ship Unit ID is the shipment ship unit ID and it appears when the order movement is planned on a shipment.

Note: When an order movement is saved as a template, it is not necessary to enter ship units with the order movement.

Note: A ship unit ID can be edited, however, changing shipment ship unit quantities will impact other legs.

The Shipment ID also appears when the order movement is planned on a shipment.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to assign qualified numbers as additional information.

Note: Order movement reference numbers are not copied to shipments and are for information only.


You can save remarks and other comments about this order movement. Enter an optional Remark Qualifier (for example, DECLINE REASON) to identify the type of remark, and then enter up to 2,000 characters of Remark Text.

Involved Parties

Use these fields to record details of involved party locations and contacts.

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