Order Management

OM Show Network Routing Options-Ocean Action

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Movement > Order Movement > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Shipment > Show Network Routing Options-Ocean.

This action focuses on ocean shipments with the primary leg being the ocean leg. You can use this option to find and filter ocean options. Instead of giving a list of possible routes, it shows the vessel options enabling you to pick the best option for you based on the most important leg. After you decide on the voyage you want to use, you can create the shipment.

There are several stages and options associated with using this action, which are described below. The process begins by selecting an Order Movement and using the action Show Network Routing Options- Ocean under Create Shipment.

The order movement action Show Network Routing Options is similar but does not require a primary leg.

The Logic Configuration - Network Routing parameter ALLOW MIXED EQUIPMENT GROUP ROUTING OPTIONS affects this action.

The parameter USE ROUTING CONSTRAINT FOR PORT SELECTION should be off (false) when using Show Network Routing Options. This parameter does not apply for Show Network Routing Options-Ocean.

Points to Remember:

  • All selected order movements must be network routable (the Network Routable check box on the order movement must be selected).
  • This works with multiple order movements as long as they can be built in one order movement bundle.
  • Unlike the order release action "Show Network Routing Options", the parent order movements cannot be in planned status before running this action. This is because the parent order movement is no longer associated with shipment ship units once planned.
  • If an order movement resides in a container, then all selected order movements must belong to the same container, and the container must contain only the selected order movements.
  • Each route must have a primary leg.
  • Order release/order movement constraints are applied to the primary leg.
  • OTM will evaluate primary options first, then find supporting options for each primary option.

Routing Constraints

The routing constraints do not populate automatically based on the order movement constraints. If a constraint field is not populated automatically and you do not enter an override in the input screen, the constraint in the order will be applied to the main leg shipment. The constraints defined on a parent order movement are currently not used, except for the Routing Constraint ID on the parent order movement which is used for routing the parent order movement.

  1. Select routing constraints. A page appears that allows you to limit the valid itineraries returned by Oracle Transportation Management to just those that have matching values to what you enter. Constraint options include:
    1. Parameter Set ID will be populated here if the Planning Criteria screen is turned on and you have selected Parameter Set ID from the Planning Criteria screen.
    2. In the Primary Option Definition field, the only option is "By Schedule and Equipment Group". This specifies how to group primary options in order to get the top "N" options.
    3. The Max Primary Options field allows you to configure the number of best options to be retrieved per grouping instead of having only the best option.
    4. The Max Supporting Options is the maximum number of supporting (non-primary) leg options to retrieve that are compatible with each respective primary leg option.
    5. Optionally, enter a Voyage ID.
    6. Select any additional constraints.

If you want Oracle Transportation Management to return all valid routes except certain ones, then enter that value in the appropriate field and check the corresponding Exclude check box. If you do not enter any constraints, all valid routes are returned.

When complete, click the Show Options button. This will calculate and display the options of all valid routing options.

Show Routing Options

All the valid routing options from the previous page appear in the Show Routing Options page. Any routes that could not be built into feasible shipments are labeled accordingly.

All routes that can be built into feasible shipments are listed in order of cost and show shipment start and end times. You can use the Expand icon to drill down to see shipment details.

The routing option results are sorted based on cost, end time and transit time. If the cost of the results are same, they are sorted based on the option's end time. If the end times are also the same, then they will be sorted based on the transit time. The start time is not considered in sorting since the end time is more important.

This shows the particular options for one selected path. It shows the cheapest service provider that has capacity. The 'Total Actual Cost' and 'Transit Time' values are accurate for the actual shipment to be built.

Select the routing option that you want to use to create the shipment, and click OK.

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Order Movement Actions and SmartLinks