Operational Planning

Charter Voyage Stowage Mode Detail

Assign a Voyage Stowage Mode to the charter voyage (accessed via Operational Planning > Schedule Management > Charter Voyage) by choosing an existing Voyage Stowage Mode ID. Alternatively, create a new ID by clicking the New Charter Voyage Stowage button on the Charter Voyage page..

Note: You can define Voyage Stowage Mode IDs in Voyage Stowage Mode Power Data.

Next, define the following attributes:



Source/Destination Terminal Location IDs

Most ports have terminals that perform the loading and unloading of cargo. On the Charter Voyage page you defined the ports as the charter voyage source and destination locations. You can use locations to further define the actual terminal locations that are used to load and unload the cargo on the pre-transport and customer delivery legs and not the primary ocean leg. The Source Terminal Location is assigned as the destination location on the pre-transport order movement and the Destination Terminal Location is assign as the source location on the order movement that follows the primary leg. The charter voyage source and destination locations appear as Parent locations on these order movements.

If you do not populate these fields, the source and destination locations of the charter voyage are used.

Terminal Start Time

A duration (in days, hours, minutes) that is subtracted from the Charter Voyage Departure Date to populate the Early Delivery Date of the previous leg order movement. This time can be adjusted automatically if the departure time is updated within a range specified in the CHARTER_VOYAGE_DEPART_DATE_CHANGE_THRESHOLD parameter.

Terminal Close Time

A duration (in days, hours, minutes) that is subtracted from the Charter Voyage Departure Date and populated as the Operation Late Delivery Date of the previous leg order movement. This date may be recalculated due to the same reasons as the Terminal Start Time may be recalculated.

Terminal Close Time Unitized

Use this field to define the Terminal Close Time, if the charter voyage source location is the stuffing point. This field is not used if the charter voyage is not unitized. This date may be recalculated due to the same reasons as the Terminal Start Time may be recalculated.

Material Available Time

A duration (in days, hours, minutes) that is added to Charter Voyage Arrival Date to determine the and populated as the Operational Early Pickup Date of the next leg order movement. This time can be adjusted automatically if the arrival time is updated within a range specified in the CHARTER_VOYAGE_ARRIVE_DATE_CHANGE_THRESHOLD parameter.

Material Available Time Unitized

Use this field to define the Terminal Close Time, if the charter voyage destination location is the de-stuffing point. This field is not used if the charter voyage is not unitized. This date may be recalculated due to the same reasons as the Material Available Time may be recalculated.

Booking Reference Number

Any user-defined number.

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