Order Management

Create Order Movement - With Best Itinerary

Use this action to create order movements from an order release without first reviewing valid itinerary choices. You can select one or more order releases that have one of the following PLANNING status values:


Note: OTM does not support order movement planning for multistop orders.

Oracle Transportation Management will do one of the following:

  • If an order release has a fixed itinerary or only one valid itinerary, Oracle Transportation Management chunks the order release using this itinerary and creates the appropriate order movements.
  • If an order release has more than one valid itinerary, Oracle Transportation Management chunks the order release using the first valid itinerary it finds and creates the appropriate order movements. This is only true when the Order Routing Method parameter is set to "Cost-based Routing". When the Order Routing Method parameter is set to "Network Routing", multi-tier logic considers routing networks on itineraries. Then the itinerary providing the shortest path is used. Only the parent order movements are created, not the child order movements.

After the order movements are created, Oracle Transportation Management sets the order release PLANNING status value to PLANNED-FINAL. At that point, you can only build shipments from the corresponding order movements using the appropriate order movement actions.

If the orders have different priorities, OTM will not let the bundling go through.

Order movements are marked as permanent order movements. They can only be deleted with the delete order movement action.

Early Pickup and Late Delivery Date Calculation

When creating order movements from an order release, the Early Pickup Date of the order movement is calculated based on the time window of the order release as well as related information (primary leg or not and estimated transit time) on the itinerary leg.

The calculation is as follows:

  • For the first order movement (order movement created on first leg), the order movement early pickup date = order release early pickup date.
  • For order movements corresponding to legs after the main leg (main leg is defined as primary leg or leg without estimated transit time specified), order movement early pickup date = order movement early delivery date - estimated transit time on leg; the first order movement early delivery date is the order release early delivery date.
  • For other order movements, the order movement early pickup date = previous order movement early pickup date + estimated transit time on leg; the first previous order movement early pickup date is the order release early pickup date.
  • In order to get the relatively correct time window on order movements, all legs on the itinerary except for the primary leg should have an expected transit time defined to approximate the transit time for the leg.

When Using Network Routing

This action uses the logic configuration - network routing parameter "Save Order Movements" to determine how to persist the order movements when using network routing.

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