Order Management

Build Buy Shipment on Primary Leg

Navigate to the Order Releases results page via Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Buy Shipment > Build Buy Shipment on Primary Leg.

Use this action to book an order release on a charter voyage or flight or ocean FCL (full container load).

Note: If itinerary is set up as reuse for consol leg, for example, Optimize-Reuse-Reuse (middle leg use consol), and BUILD SHIP ON PRIMARY LEG OBEY REUSE EQUIP ON LEG is set to true, build shipment on primary leg will not work for consol shipment with the Air and Chatered Voyage consol types.

The order will be scheduled on a main leg of a valid itinerary. Order movements are created for all the legs on the itinerary. Only the main leg order movement is scheduled to a shipment; either consol, ground schedule, or ordinary shipments.

Note: Shipment ship unit repacking is supported provided the allow repack option and the order configuration, shipment ship unit manager, or order release ship unit is set to true. Ship unit repack does not apply to ground schedule and consol shipments.

Except for the case when main leg order movement is scheduled to a consol shipment with UNITIZATION stowage mode, one order movement is created for each shipment that is created. In the case of UNITIZATION, the main leg will have one order movement, but other legs will have multiple order movements, one per container.

There are two ways this booking can happen:

  • When orders come into Oracle Transportation Management through integration, this booking process can be automatically invoked by an agent.
  • You can use this action to invoke the booking process.

Ocean FCL

Ocean FCL consol shipments can have up to four stops with multiple shipment equipment. When you add an order/order movement to this consol shipment, it may already contain orders/order movements. If the primary leg order movement is split into multiple shipment equipment on the shipment, this order movement will be split according to the shipment equipment into multiple order movements. One order movement per shipment equipment. Order movements on other legs are also split according to the split of primary leg order movement.

Note: Ocean FCL consol shipments use container optimization logic to optimally pack orders into containers. However, 3D load configuration is not supported.

The default Build Shipment on Primary Leg process ignores the re-use equipment assignment type on each leg of an itinerary. To enable re-use equipment on leg setting, set the parameter BUILD SHIP ON PRIMARY LEG OBEY REUSE EQUIP ON LEG to true.

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