Shipment Management

Re-use Equipment

Re-use Equipment is an option when selecting Equipment Assignment Type on either a network leg or an itinerary leg. It enables you to configure itineraries to indicate that the same piece of equipment, containing the same goods, is to be used across consecutive shipments. For example, a container may be packed at a stuffing location, taken by truck on one shipment to a port, taken by vessel on a second shipment to another port, and taken by truck on a third shipment to a de-stuffing location. This indicates that a shipment on the leg will be sharing the same shipment equipment as the corresponding shipment on the previous leg.

For equipment capacity override with reuse equipment, the most restricted capacity will be used on all shared equipment legs. Either "Shipment" or "Equipment" capacity overrides will apply.

OTM supports the "re-use equipment" configuration for both order release planning and order movement planning.

  • Order movements created for an order release via Order Release Bulk Plan or Create Order Movements will share the same set of shipment ship units for those legs that are configured to share the same shipment equipment.
  • When an order release is planned onto shipments on multiple legs via Order Release Bulk Plan or Build Shipment, the shipments will share the same set of shipment ship units and the same shipment equipment or those legs that are configured to share the same shipment equipment.
  • When an order movement is planned onto a shipment via Order Movement Bulk Plan, and a shipment is already built for the corresponding order movement on another leg that is configured to share the same shipment equipment, then the order movement will be planned onto a new shipment using the same shipment equipment.
  • In the previous case, OTM will validate that this order movement is being planned with all of the other order movements that belong in that same shipment equipment. If not, the planning of this order movement will fail (because otherwise the shipment ship unit data for the new shipment would be inconsistent with that for the existing shipment).

OTM validates whether certain order movements should be planned during Order Movement Bulk Plan:

  • For legs that share equipment, some legs may be marked primary and some non-primary. You can configure the Order Movement Bulk Plan process to prevent non-primary leg order movements from being planned if the primary leg order movements are not planned. This supports a scenario where the primary leg order movement must be planned first when equipment is being shared.

For Order Movement Bulk Plan, OTM will validate whether order movements on the same leg should be consolidated onto the same equipment. If the validation fails, the order movements will be put onto different shipments. The validation includes the following checks:

  • The order movements are not valid to combine if, on other legs that shared equipment with this leg, the corresponding order movements are originating from different locations or destined to different locations.
  • The order movements are not valid to combine if, on other legs that shared equipment with this leg, the corresponding order movements do not have overlapping time windows.

Note: Manual merge is not supported for shipments that reuse equipment.

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