Shipment Management

Network Leg Manager

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Itinerary Management > Network Leg Manager or via Shipment Management > Itinerary Management > Network Detail Manager. Then click the N (new) button for the Leg ID field.

The network leg defines transportation from one place to another. While an itinerary leg defines only a destination location (or set of locations), if any, a network leg has a more specific geography.

Entering a Network Leg:

  1. Enter a Network Leg Name.
  2. Select the Primary check box, if you want to indicate that a leg is the most important leg among legs that share equipment. With the parameter,"Validate for Shared Equipment on Primary Leg", in Network Routing logic configuration, you can specify that the planning of order movements on primary legs happens before the planning of non-primary leg order movements which share equipment.
  3. Enter a Rate Offering ID.
  4. Enter a Rate Record ID.
  5. Enter the Leg Classification.
  6. Enter the Leg Consolidation Group ID.
  7. Select the Equipment Assignment Type to determine how OTM makes equipment assignments for the leg. The valid options are "Optimize Equipment" "Re-use Equipment" and "No Equipment".
  8. The Allow Cross Consolidation check box indicates whether to allow cross-consolidation out of the source location of the leg. This is only used when the destination of the leg is a region and the source of the leg is a location. The purpose of this check box is to model how some deconsolidation pools work, where orders going out of the pool on the same shipment must have gone into the pool in the same shipment. That is, orders coming into the pool on different shipments may not cross-consolidate onto the same out-of-pool shipment. This behavior is enforced when this check box is off. It is on by default.
  9. The Allocation Group ID provides a direct association between the leg and the allocation. This allocation group is used to match the allocation group on the commitment allocation record if the parameter Allocation Group Strategy is set to '1. Use Allocation Group on Leg'.
  10. The Ignore Representative Location check box specifies whether Network Routing logic will ignore the representative locations of the source and destination regions of the leg. By default, this field is left unchecked.
  11. Select the Use Consol check box to specify that the network leg will use a consol shipment.
  12. Enter the Source Location ID. If a network leg has a source or destination location, this location is treated as a throughpoint, that is, a location where a shipment begins or ends, but not where an order has its source or destination. An example of a throughpoint is a cross dock or pool or rail ramp. If the network leg has a source or destination throughpoint location, it must also specify the location role to be used. (These location roles are set up on the location; in the network leg, one of these location roles is selected for use in the network)


    Enter a Source Region ID. An order using the routing network must enter the network on a leg that has a source region, and exit the network on a leg that has a destination region. Thus, a routing network will be unusable unless it has at least one network leg with a source region, and at least one network leg with a destination region.
  13. Enter a Source Location Role.
  14. Enter the Destination Location ID.


    Enter a Destination Region ID.
  15. Enter a Destination Location Role.
  16. Enter VIA Locations.
  17. Enter a Depot Profile to indicate specific characteristics for the depot.

Leg Interim Points

  1. Select the Interim Point Option.
  2. Enter the Interim Point Sequence Number.
  3. Enter the Interim Point Location ID.
  4. Enter a Special Service ID.
  5. Click Save.


  1. Select the Calculate Contracted Rate check box if you want OTM to calculate the cost and service time associated with the leg. When selected, OTM will run processing to locate a rate for the leg. OTM searches for a rate based on the lane information and matches that to the source and destination on the leg of the itinerary.
  2. If you clear the Calculate Contracted Rate check box, the value you enter in the Expected Cost field will be the cost calculated for the shipment; if you clear the check box and do not enter a value then the base cost for the shipments planned on this leg will be 0.
  3. Select the Calculate Service Time check box to allow OTM to select the service time from the rate offering that applies to the leg. Service time is made up of details such as, drive time, work time, and rest time which are associated with traveling from one location to another. For the transportation modes air, rail, and vessel travel, the service times are calculated based on transportation schedules available for each mode.
  4. If you clear the Calculate Service Time check box, the value you enter in the Expected Transit Time field will be the transit time used for shipments planned using this leg. Enter the service time value you want to use and then select a time duration (e.g., days, weeks, months) for travel time; if you do not enter a value then OTM will not calculate any transit time between the stops for shipments planned using this leg. When you select an itinerary, OTM converts the Expected Transit Time unit of measure to the unit of measure in your user preferences. For example, if you enter 3 days, and your preferred unit of measure for duration is hours, OTM converts the Expected Transit Time to 72 hours.

Here's how the Calculate Contracted Rate and Calculate Service Time check box work together:

Calculate Contracted Rate

Calculate Service Time




Look up rates use rate service on contracted rate



Use values entered on leg – itinerary or network leg



Lookup contracted rate – use service time entered on itinerary leg or network leg



Not Supported  there is no way for OTM to discover the rate service without a rate. In this case, the rate is meant to be what is entered on the itinerary leg and you want the service to be determined. However, without a rate and therefore a related rate service, OTM cannot calculate a service time.

OTM throws an exception stating that this case is not supported.



Select any of the following to be checked for compatibility:

  • Mode Profile ID
  • Service Provider Profile ID
  • Rule Service Profile ID
  • Equipment Group Profile ID


  1. For any commodities, select the Flex Commodity Profile.
  2. Click Save.


If using rail:

  1. Select the Rule 11 Instruction (or select Not Rule 11).
  2. Select the Rail Intermodal Service Plan Code.
  3. Select either Customer or Shipper Rate.
  4. Select a COFC/TOFC.


  1. Optionally, enter a Ground Schedule ID.
  2. Click Save.

Equipment Capacity Override

  1. Enter the Capacity Override Lead Time.
  2. Enter the Equipment Capacity Override ID.
  3. Click Save.

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