Shipment Management

Network Manager

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Itinerary Management > Network Manager.

Use this page to define a network. A network consists of a set of network legs. The following managers exist:

  • Network Manager: allows you to create a network, but not to add network legs.
  • Network Leg Manager: allows you to create and search on network legs.
  • Network Detail Manager: allows you to associate a network and its legs.

The network has an ID, which can be used on an itinerary leg (but not a network leg).

Networks can be shared by different itinerary legs of different itineraries.

Creating a Network Manager:

  1. Enter a unique Network ID.
  2. You can also enter a Network Name that further describes the itinerary.
  3. Enter the Max Number of Intermediate Points for the network. This allows you to indicate that an order should not go through more than a specified number of through points on the network.
  4. Accept the default Domain Name or select another.
  5. Click Finished.

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