Order Management

Create Order Movement - Show Itineraries

Use this action to create order movements from an order release. You can select a number of order releases; however, they must all have one of the following PLANNING status values:


Note: OTM does not support order movement planning for multi-stop orders.

Oracle Transportation Management asks you to select an itinerary from a list of valid records for this order release. This itinerary must contain more than one leg. Except for the primary leg, all other legs should have an Expected Transit Time which is used to create time windows on the order movements. Oracle Transportation Management then creates order movements for the order releases based on the itinerary you chose.

  • First order movement's pickup window, source location is the same as the order.
  • Last order movement's delivery window, destination location is the same as the order.
  • All order movements, except for the last, one do not have early delivery date.
  • All order movements, except for the first one, do not have a late pickup date.
  • For a group of orders, the first valid multi-leg itinerary will be used for creating order movements.

After the order movements are created, Oracle Transportation Management sets the order release PLANNING status to PLANNING_PLANNED - FINAL. At that point, you can only build shipments from the corresponding order movements.

If the orders have different priorities, OTM will not let the bundling go through.

Order movements are marked as permanent order movements. They can only be deleted with the delete order movement action.

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