Order Management

Order Release: Ship Unit Summary

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Release > Order Release. Click the Ship Unit tab.

This page displays the ship units on the order by Transport Handling Unit (THU) as well as the distribution of packaged items on each THU.

Note: You can manually enter ship units and their corresponding line items on an order release or you can have Oracle Transportation Management calculate the appropriate ship units based on the number of line items and their attributes. These calculations are based on the Release Method that you choose on the Order Release Line Item Summary page.

  1. Modify ship unit or ship unit line by clicking edit (edit) on a ship unit (THU) row or ship unit line row.
  2. Enter a new ship unit by clicking the New Ship Unit button.
  3. Use the Select Line field to add order release lines to the ship unit. You can add multiple lines simultaneously.

    Note: You will not see this field if the order release is created by ship units.

    If you add multiple records to the ship unit, OTM will automatically copy the Total Package Count, Packaging Unit, Packaging Unit Net Count, Net Weight, and Net Volume fields from the selected order release line to the associated ship unit line.

  4. Click Save after selecting lines to add.

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