Order Management

Order Release Ship Unit Line

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Ship Unit Line.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > click the Ship Unit tab > click New Ship Unit OR edit the primary grid > Click New Line Item.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > click the Ship Unit tab > edit the secondary grid.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > click the Line Item tab > edit the secondary grid.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release With Stops > click the Ship Unit tab > click New Ship Unit OR edit the primary grid > click New Line Item.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release With Stops > click the Ship Unit tab > edit the secondary grid.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release With Stops > click the Line Item tab > edit the secondary grid.

Note: Different attributes may be editable based on the navigation method used to arrive at the page.

This page displays the attributes of a ship unit line. These attributes represent a line item on a specific ship unit since the same line item can be spread across multiple ship units on an order.

Adding Ship Unit Lines

  1. Enter the Order Release ID.
  2. Enter the Ship Unit ID.
  3. Enter a Packaged Item and Item ID.
  4. Order Base Line ID provides a cross-reference to order base line that was released to create the order release. This field is blank if the order release was created from an order base that released by ship unit.
  5. The Release Instruction Sequence indicates which release instruction generated the shipping unit for the order release.
  6. Enter the Total Package Count.
  7. Select a Packaging Unit.
  8. Enter the Packaging Unit Count.
  9. Click Ship Complete if you wish to copy the following fields from the Order Release line to the Ship Unit Line while you are adding lines to the release:

    • Total Package Count
    • Packaging Unit
    • Packaging Unit Count
    • Net Weight
    • Net Volume
  10. Enter the Gross Weight and Volume. Choose a unit of measure for each.
  11. For informational purposes enter the Brand Name of the item.
  12. Enter the Net Weight and/or Net Volume. Choose a unit of measure for each.
  13. Enter the Weight and Volume per Ship Unit and choose a unit of measurement for each.
  14. For information only, enter the Count per Ship Unit.

Special Services

Text Templates


Reference Numbers

These reference numbers are for the order release ship unit line.

Order Release Line Details

At the top of the section there are several read-only fields whose function is to provide information and, in some cases, link to other pages. The fields include Order Release Line ID, Total Package Count, Packaging Unit, Packaging Unit Count, Net Weight, Net Volume, Order Base ID, and Order Base Line ID.

  1. Enter the Buy/Sell Side General Ledger Code.
  2. Enter a Declared Value for the item.
  3. Enter the Number of Layers on Transport Handling Unit.
  4. Enter the Quantity per Layer.
  5. Select a Transport Handling Unit.
  6. Enter Tags.
  7. Select a Type. If you select WEIGHT or VOLUME you can also specify the UOM for the Price Per Unit field.
  8. Enter a Price per Unit.


Reference Numbers

Hazardous Material

This section identifies whether the order release line item is considered hazardous and allows you to supply transactional hazardous data at the order level instead of using the Hazardous Material Manager. The information defaults from the Hazardous Material window and the Hazardous Item window, with the Hazardous Item data taking precedence.

During planning, Oracle Transportation Management first considers this Hazardous flag, then the packaged item to determine whether a shipment is hazardous or not.

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