Order Management

Create Order Template

An order template is an order base or order release that has been pre-populated with specific data such as source/destination locations, ship units or line items, reference numbers, accessorial, and remarks. You designate an order base/release as a template by selecting the Use as a Template check box on an order base or order release.

Once a template is created, it can be used by any user that has the appropriate access to streamline the process for creating new orders.

You must set the property glog.order_release.show_template to true. Oracle Transportation Management will ask you to specify a template before it opens the Order Release manager.

If there is no packaged item, a default line will be populated  in the new order release created when the order configuration of an order template is SHIP_UNIT and a new order is created with the property glog.order_release.show_template.

The property glog.webserver.obshipunit.defaultIsShippableToTrue indicates what the Shippable flag should be set to when adding an order base, creating an order base from a template, and when copying an order base. The default is true.

Note: Order templates are not used in shipment planning. Therefore, you cannot create order releases or shipments. However, orders created from templates are used to create order releases and ultimately shipments and bills/invoices.

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