Shipment Management

Partially Accept a Tender or Booking by Transport Handling Unit

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Online Booking and Tendering.

When you accept a tender, you agree to transport a shipment. Oracle Transportation Management allows service providers to partially accept a tender by transport handling units (THU).

Note: The Accept a Tender by Transport Handling Unit page only appears if the service provider is set up to accept by THU.

View tender offers on the Online Booking and Tendering Results page and select the offers to which you want to respond. You can respond to tender offers when the tender Offer Status is OUTSTANDING or PARTIALLY ACCEPTED and the Tender Acceptance Status is either NO RESPONSE or PARTIALLY ACCEPTED.

If you accept a tender by Transport Handling Unit, Oracle Transportation Management performs the following actions:

  • The original tender is split and consists of only the remaining transport handling quantities still needing tendering.
  • A new tender (a new shipment has been created) with the split Transportation Handling Units from the original tender is created.
  • On the On-line Booking and Tendering Results grid, the Tender Offer and Tender Acceptance Status columns are changed to PARTIALLY ACCEPTED for the original tender. The new split tender has its appropriate Tender Offer and Tender Acceptance Status.
  • Optionally, a notification is sent out to you about the new tendered shipment.

The original tender that is PARTIALLY ACCEPTED is still available for you to tender from. The partially accepted tender is available to tender against up until all the Transport Handling Units have been accepted or its respond by date and time for the shipment has passed.

Optionally, when the partially accepted tender is finally fully accepted, you may receive a notification showing all the newly created shipments/tenders along with the original shipment.

If an original tender is withdrawn and has already been split by Transport Handling Unit, only the remaining Transport Handling Units on the original tender are withdrawn.

If you decline a partially accepted tender, only the remaining transport handling units on the partially accepted tender are affected. The new shipments/tenders created form the original tender are not affected by the rejection.

Accept Shipment Page

On the Accept this Shipment Page, you can modify some fields associated with the shipment before accepting the tender. The following table describes the fields that display:



Shipment Reference Number

Reference numbers assigned to the shipment. By default, the shipment ID (prefixed with domain name) appears as a value with a qualifier of GLOG. A bill of lading number (qualifier of BM) also appears. This number is automatically generated by the Oracle Transportation Management Business Number Generator when the shipment is created and is a concatenation of the service provider and a sequence number (default). You can change the format of this reference number using the Business Number Generator in Power Data.

Shipment Reference Qualifier

Qualifier that brings meaning to the reference numbers.

Remark Qualifier ID

Provides a category for remarks that you can enter. The qualifier and the remark text is saved on the shipment.

Remark Text

Enter your remark that is saved on the shipment.

Accept Tender By Transport Handling Unit

Partially tender a shipment based on the THUs on the shipment. Use this section to enter in the transport handling units to accept. If no changes are made to the Transport Handling Units Accept Quantity field, the tender proceeds as a regular accepted tender. If modifications are made to the Accepted Transport Handling Unit quantities, the tender is treated as a partial acceptance.

The tender is broken down by the shipment's individual ship units. Within these ship units you can decide on how many to accept. Additionally, for information purposes, you can enter the equipment information.

For a Shipment's Ship Unit, note that:

  • The Ship Unit's Accept Quantity originally defaults to the Ship Unit's Available Quantity.
  • You cannot enter a higher Accept Quantity then the Available Quantity.
  • You can partially accept a ship unit multiple times within a tender.
  • Each time quantities off a Ship Units have been accepted, they are removed for the partially accepted tender. Only the Quantities leftover from the acceptance are available for future acceptance.
  • After a Ship Unit's Available Quantities all have been accepted, it will no longer be available on the tender to accept from.
  • Removing entire ship units from a tender can result in removing Shipment Stops. If a stop is removed, the original shipment stop number is reduced according to the remaining stops.

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