Shipment Management

Tender by Transport Handling Unit

In order for a service provider to accept a tender by transport handling unit (THU), you must set up the following:

When using online booking and tendering, additional steps need to be taken to handle tendering by THU.

  1. In the Workflow Parameters topic found in Business Process Automation > Power Data > Event Management, list the transportation modes that allow partially accepted ship units by using the PARTIAL_TENDER_ACCEPT_BY_SSU_MODES workflow parameter. If a shipment's transport mode is not listed in the PARTIAL_TENDER_ACCEPT_BY_SSU_MODES workflow parameter, the shipment is not permitted to tender by THU.

    Note: If a service provider allows partial acceptance and conditional booking for a tender, partial acceptance takes precedence. If a shipment needs to be both, first process the partial acceptance tender and then handle the conditional booking for each split shipment.

  2. In the Service Provider manager, define the service providers that are able to accept a tender by THU by marking the Allow Accept By Ship Unit check box.

When the above conditions are met, shipments that are tendered to a service provider are able to be accepted by its THUs.

When the service provider accepts certain THUs on the Shipment's Tender, Oracle Transportation Management sends this information back to the planner in its response. Within the on-line Booking and Tendering Results grid, the Tender Offer and Acceptance statuses are set as being PARTIALLY ACCEPTED.

If an original tender is withdrawn and has already been split by THU, only the remaining THUs on the original tender are withdrawn.

If you decline a partially accepted tender, only the remaining THUs are affected. The new shipments/tenders created form the original tender are not affected.

Receiving a Tender Response for a Partially Tendered Shipment

A partial acceptance tender response is sent back to the planner when a service provider accepts certain transport handling units off a shipments tender. By partially accepting the tender, the SECURE RESOURCES_PARTIALLY ACCEPTED status is set for the shipment.

Note: The response timer associated with the original shipment's tender remains running until the tender for the shipment has been fully accepted or the respond by date and time for the shipment is passed.


Planning a Partially Accepted Tender and Service Provider Notification

In order to process a partially accepted tender, the planner needs to set up the agent action PROCESS PARTIALLY ACCEPTED SHIPMENT that listens for the SHIPMENT TENDER - PARTIALLY ACCEPTED lifetime event to be raised.

The PROCESS PARTIALLY ACCEPTED SHIPMENT agent action does the following:

  • Creates a new Shipment for the accepted THUs off the tender by splitting the original shipment. The lifetime event SHIPMENT - SPLIT is raised.
  • A reference number is added to the new shipment pointing to the shipment it was split from.
  • The Tender Offer and Acceptance statuses are set on the new shipment. This is based on how the Tender Action on Split Shipment field is set on the agent.
  • Optionally, a notification is sent out to the service provider about the new shipment.
  • The On-line Booking and Tendering Results grid shows the tender statuses of the original shipment's tender and any tenders that originated from it by being partially accepted.
  • After all the THUs on the partially accepted tender have been fully accepted, the lifetime event SHIPMENT TENDER - ACCEPTED is raised.

Service Provider Notification:

To send a notification informing the service provider of the shipments (both original and newly created), an additional agent needs to be set up. The agent should listen for the lifetime event SHIPMENT TENDERED - ACCEPTED from the original Shipment. Set up the agent to do this by:
  1. Using a save condition to find all newly created shipments with shipment status of SECURE RESOURCES_PICKUP NOTIFY or SECURE RESOURCES_ACCEPTED.
  2. For each shipment, publish a custom event. For example, create an event called "Split Shipment is ready for pickup".
  3. Create another agent listening for your custom event that sends a notification out to the service provider using the NOTIFY SERVICE PROVIDER action.

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