Business Process Automation

Workflow Parameters

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Event Management > Workflow Parameters.

You must enter parameters as comma-delimited items with no spaces when editing them. A sample entry would appear similar to this: ENTRY1,ENTRY2,ENTRY3.

Each of the following sections is a workflow. The workflow parameters for each workflow are described below.

Open Tender

  • AUTO_MODES: A list of transportation modes that require pickup notifications; e.g., LTL and parcel. All other transportation modes skip the tendering process.
  • BOOKING_MODES: A list of transportation modes that require booking requests; i.e., transportation via vessel.
  • TENDER_MODES: A list of transportation modes that require tender requests; i.e., transportation via truck.
  • TENDER_MODES_ARE_SAVED_CONDITIONS: allows the parameters above to be configured as saved conditions. By default, the value of this parameter is set to FALSE, implying that the "x MODES" parameters are still transportation modes and behave as before. However, if the selection criteria needs to be more dynamic, the value of this parameter needs to be set to TRUE which implies that the value of the "x MODES" parameters are saved condition GIDs. If they are saved conditions, the tender workflow evaluates the saved condition to determine the tendering mechanism (tender, book, pickup notification, or no tender). As always, the saved condition can look at any tables in the database as long as it is of type Shipment and returns shipment GIDs.


    If the value of TENDER_MODES_ARE_SAVED_CONDITIONS parameter is set to TRUE, the value of the following parameters TENDER_MODES, BOOKING_MODES, AUTO_MODES, PARTIAL_TENDER_ACCEPT_BY_SSU_MODES and CONDITION_BOOKING_MODES should be the saved condition GIDs and not the saved condition XIDs.

    If the value of TENDER_MODES_ARE_SAVED_CONDITIONS parameter is set to TRUE, all of these parameters need to be defined as saved condition GIDs. There cannot be any mixing of transportation modes and saved conditions.

    The saved condition should return shipment GIDs alone, i.e., select s.shipment_gid from shipments-
    If the TENDER_MODES_ARE_SAVED_CONDITIONS parameter is not specified for a domain, it will be treated as a value of FALSE.

Plan or Execute Shipments

  • DATA_SOURCE_FOR_AUTO_SECURE_RESOURCE: Accepts the values of INTEGRATION, USER, and INTERNAL, indicating the data source. This set parameter will instruct workflow to check the data source of the triggering topic, PlannedShipmentCreated. When the data source matches these as defined by this workflow parameter workflow attempts to automatically secure resource by lane check. If an auto-secure resource by lane criteria profile is defined for the lane, workflow evaluates the criteria and determines if auto-secure resource is allowed for the shipment. If there is no Auto-secure Resource By Lane criteria profile defined for the lane, workflow skips this step.
  • DATA_SOURCE_FOR_REVIEW_OR_EXECUTION: Accepts the values of INTEGRATION, USER, and INTERNAL, indicating the data source. This parameter instructs workflow to review or execute the shipment if the data source of the topic matches these defined by the parameter. By default, INTEGRATION and INTERNAL are defined for this parameter for backward compatibility. This parameter is used only if the shipment source does not match the DATA_SOURCE_FOR_AUTO_SECURE_RESOURCE_BY_LANE parameter, or does match the DATA_SOURCE_FOR_AUTO_SECURE_RESOURCE_BY_LANE parameter but does not satisfy the profile criteria.
  • EXECUTE_MODES: A list of modes that automatically move the shipment to the transport workflow.
  • PERCENT_FULL: The equipment utilization threshold to move a shipment that is under review to transport.
  • REVIEW_MODES: A list of modes that require review prior to transport.

When a shipment is planned, the first action the workflow takes is to evaluate which transportation mode the shipment requires; for example, a truck or a vessel. If the shipment is being transported via a parcel or LTL, for example, the EXECUTE_MODES workflow automatically raises a topic to indicate that the shipment is ready for execution and transport.

If the shipment is being transported via vessel, REVIEW_MODES tags the shipment as one that requires manual intervention by the shipment planner or as one where the utilization of the equipment needs to be checked. In the latter case, the PERCENT_FULL parameter is checked. The value in this parameter indicates to what percent the truck should be filled so that the shipment is considered ready for execution and transport and that workflow is raised accordingly.

Prepare to Arrange Transport

  • AUTO_MODES: See above.
  • BOOKING_MODES: See above.
  • CONDITIONAL_BOOKING_MODES: A list of transportation modes that require conditional booking requests; i.e., transportation via vessel.
  • PARTIAL_TENDER_ACCEPT_BY_SSU_MODES: A list of transportation modes that allow a tender to be split by transportation handling units.
  • TENDER_MODES: See above.
  • USE_LANE_TENDER_RESPONSE_TIME: Decides whether to use the response time, response calendar and the service provider defined in the lane tender info record to calculate the tender response time. The lane is determined by the source and destination location of the shipment.

When the Prepare to Arrange Transport Workflow topic is raised, this workflow first cancels the pending tender request for this shipment then checks the transportation mode. If the shipment indicates either TENDER_MODES or BOOKING_MODES, the workflow will notify the service provider of the tender or booking. Then schedule a tender/booking timeout, which is a timer that waits for a response to the tender or booking from the service provider. If the mode is PARTIAL_TENDER_ACCEPT_BY_SSU_MODES, this workflow allows a tender to be split by its transportation handling units. If the mode is AUTO_MODES, this workflow notifies the service provider of a pickup.

Prepare to Arrange Transport for Step Tender

  • TENDER_MODES: See above.

Process Conditional Booking

This workflow should only be used (set to true) if you use conditional booking.

  • AUTO_UPDATE_SHIPMENT_ON_SAME_EQUIPMENT_GROUP: Using this parameter, if set to true, OTM will automatically update a shipment with the equipment details from a service provider when a conditional booking is received as long as the equipment group is the same. For example, details such as Equipment ID, Initial Check Digit or License Plate could be different or populated instead of blank. If false, the shipment will not be updated automatically. You can update it manually if the details warrant. This parameter can also be used with the workflow 'Process Ordinary Tender Response'. Values in both locations should be set the same.

Process Ordinary Tender Response

  • AUTO_UPDATE_SHIPMENT_ON_SAME_EQUIPMENT_GROUP: This parameter can also be used with the workflow 'Process Conditional Booking' (refer to it for details). Values in both locations should be set the same.
  • COND_BOOK_ACCEPT_SPV_WHEN_PV_IS_NULL: Valid values are: TRUE and FALSE. Determines what to do when evaluating changes to conditional booking fields whose values in the original tender were null. If the parameter is set to true, then any such changes are considered within the thresholds.
  • ENABLE_CB_UPDATE_AFTER_SHIPMENT_ACCEPTED: Valid values are: TRUE and FALSE. If false, (the default), OTM updates the tender only. If true, OTM will evaluate the tender based on the threshold. If not within the threshold, the status will change to conditionally accepted and will need to be manually approved.
  • NOTIFY_SP_ON_INFEASIBLE: Valid values are: TRUE and FALSE. Determines whether to notify the service provider after a redrive for the tender response failed.
  • REVIEW_ON_MODIFY: Valid values are: ALWAYS, INFEASIBLE, and NEVER. If you set the REVIEW_ON_MODIFY parameter for PROCESS_ORDINARY_TENDER_RESPONSE to ALWAYS, then the SERVPROV_UPDATES status will be set to SERVPROV_UPDATES_NEW UPDATES TO REVIEW whenever you make changes to the pickup date. Similarly if the parameter value is set to INFEASIBLE, the SERVPROV_UPDATES status will only be set when the re-drive causes an infeasible situation.

Process Spot Bid Tender Timeout

  • PROCESS_SPOT_BID_TENDER_MANUALLY: Stops the automatic processing of the spot bid responses when the spot bid timer expires. The default behavior is to process bid when the timer expires. Default value is FALSE. If you activate this parameter, then all responses will be processed manually.

Retender Shipment

  • MAX_NUM_RETENDERS: The maximum number of times to retry tendering the shipment. When the Retender Shipment workflow topic is raised, this parameter is checked for how many attempts remain to re-tender the offer. If the maximum number of tries has been met, this workflow sets the shipment as one that has no available resources. If the maximum number of retries has not been met, the workflow attempts to re-drive the shipment and locate an alternate provider. If one is found, the workflow raises the Planned Shipment Created workflow topic. If one is not found, it sets the shipment as one that has no available resources.
  • RETENDER_ON_DECLINE_BY_SERVPROV_EQUIPMENT: This parameter is used on Retender Shipment Workflow topic when a tender is declined and the planner allows the shipment to be re-tendered to look for the next best combination of carrier and equipment group. Include the option of retendering to the same carrier but with a different equipment group if that is the next best option.

Step Tender to Next Servprov

  • MAX_NUM_RETENDERS: See above.

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