Shipment Management

Open Tender

Open Tender refers to the broadcast tender and spot bid tender actions that may be run for a shipment. Open Tender is also a check box that appears on lanes. Any lane that has this check box selected is used for broadcast and spot bid tendering.

An open tender is any tender that goes to a group of service providers inviting them to bid on the shipping cost of the shipment. The lowest bidder is usually awarded the business. An open tender differs from an ordinary tender in the following ways:

  • The shipping cost, even if planned, may not be the actual cost. The final shipping cost depends on the results of the service provider bidding.
  • An open tender is sent to multiple service providers. The bid may be awarded to the first one to respond or the lowest bidder. After the selection of the bid winner, the tender is treated as an ordinary tender.

The following criteria exists for an open tender:

  • A service provider's supported mode must match the transportation mode of the shipment (or its mode is null, meaning it handles all transportation modes).
  • A service provider must indicate it can accept spot bid or broadcast tenders by selecting the appropriate check boxes on the service provider manager.

If set, the property glog.tender.notifyServprovUponOpenTenderTimeOut notifies the service provider when the tender times out when using Open Tendering.

When using Open Tendering, OTM notifies service providers when a bid is received. To turn off that functionality, set glog.tender.openTender.acknowledgeBid to false.

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