Shipment Management

Overview of Tender and Booking Setup

Set up how shipments get tendered based on the mode of transportation. There are two stages to tendering and booking shipments:

  1. The shipment must be executed. When a shipment is executed, it is finished being planned. Shipments are executed manually or automatically.
  2. Make a tender offer. Shipments can be tendered manually or automatically.

Shipment Execution Setup

In the Workflow Parameters power data topic, you can perform setup that allows shipments to execute manually or automatically based on the shipment's transport mode or the maximum weight and/or volume a particular piece of equipment can carry.

Tender Setup

In the Workflow Parameters power data topic, you can perform setup that allows shipments to tender by transport mode.

The following section describes the three methods for tendering shipments:

  • Pickup notification is used when you do not want to receive a response from a service provider accepting the tender offer. To set up a mode for pickup notification, assign the workflow parameter AUTO_MODES.
  • Auto tender means that the shipment is automatically tendered to a service provider after it is executed. Shipments you create in bulk planning are Auto Tendered. Shipments that come in through integration as Shipments as Work and shipments entered manually in the Shipment Manager are Auto Tendered only when you select the Secure Resources option in the Agent Manager.
  • Manual tender means that the planner selects the service provider to whom the shipment is tendered. This is the default tendering method for manual shipments.

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