Shipment Management

Tender Shipment

When a shipment is tendered, notice is sent to a service provider with an offer to carry the shipment. For some shipments, Oracle Transportation Management automatically tenders the shipment for you; however, sometimes you must manually tender a shipment. For example, you must manually tender a shipment that has reached the threshold for the maximum number of service providers to which a shipment gets automatically tendered.

Note: If MAX NUMBER OF RETENDERS is set for a shipment, OTM considers the maximum number of retender value set on this parameter. If a shipment is set with a different parameter, OTM considers the MAX_NUM_RETENDERS workflow parameter.  

If a location becomes inactive after the shipment is created, you will not be able to tender the shipment with an inactive stop location.

When you tender a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management performs the following actions:

  • Sends notice of the tender offer to the service provider.

Note: The service provider receives the tender notification with a link that redirects to the Online Booking and Tendering screen. For spot bid tenders, set the property, glog.tender.spotbid.useNewSpotBidManagerForEmailURL, to true to navigate to the Spot Bid screen instead of Online Booking and Tendering screen. You can use the customized Online Booking and Tendering/Spot Bid screen using Field Screen Set on Manage User Access through the following queries:
SPOT_BID_SERVPROV for Spot Bid screen
SERVPROV_TENDER_COLLAB for Online Booking and Tendering screen

  • Updates the shipment status to SECURE RESOURCES_TENDERED.

The property glog.server.workflow.tender.allowDuplicateTenderRequest allows you to create a duplicate tender request even if there is an outstanding tender for the shipment.

After you tender the shipment to a service provider, the service provider accepts or declines the tender. Service providers can respond to a tender by sending a transmission through the integration layer, by fax, by email, or by using On-line Booking and Tendering.

To locate shipments that must be tendered manually, perform a search for shipments. Make the search criteria shipments with a shipment status of SECURE RESOURCES and the status value of NOT_STARTED, DECLINED, WITHDRAWN, and NO RESOURCES.

On the Tender Shipment page, you can click the Tender Response / Acceptance Analysis button to view historic data. This opens the relevant dashboard.

You can have Oracle Transportation Management send notification to involved parties when a shipment is tendered.

Note: You can withdraw a tender offer after it is extended.

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