How To Configure Conditional Booking

Conditional Booking is targeted primarily at ocean bookings. For ocean bookings, it is a common practice for the service provider to send back modified information as part of the booking acceptance. See the conditional booking process flow.

Note: Conditional Booking is a process applicable to both BOOKING and TENDERING process. It does not apply to Broadcast Tender and Spot Bid.

When tendering, OTM uses the conditional booking profile specified on a service provider that is associated with the transport mode set on the shipment. If you do not specify the conditional booking profile on a service provider, OTM uses the one on the transport mode specified on the shipment. If a transport mode is not on the shipment, then the system uses the conditional booking profile specified on the domain.

Configuring Conditional Booking:

  1. On the applicable service providers, select the Perform Conditional Accepts check box.
  2. Create a conditional booking profile.
  3. Add the conditional booking profile to at least one of the following. They will be processed in this order:
  4. Add the conditional booking transport modes to the CONDITIONAL_BOOKING_MODES workflow parameter.
  5. Review related workflow parameters:
    • AUTO_UPDATE_SHIPMENT_ON_SAME_EQUIPMENT_GROUP. This parameter automatically updates the shipment with equipment details if the equipment group is the same and this parameter is set to true.
    • If you are not using a saved condition to determine if a transport mode is for tendering or booking, add the transport modes to the BOOKING_MODES or TENDER_MODES workflow parameters. You are using saved conditions if the TENDER_MODES_ARE_SAVED_CONDITIONS is set to TRUE.
    • COND_BOOK_ACCEPT_SPV_WHEN_PV_IS_NULL: Determines what to do when evaluating changes to conditional booking fields whose values in the original tender were null.
    • ENABLE_CB_UPDATE_AFTER_SHIPMENT_ACCEPTED: If true, OTM will evaluate the tender based on the threshold. If not within the threshold, the status will change to conditionally accepted and will need to be manually approved.
  6. Review the related tender properties to define when you can update the Online Booking/Tendering screen. These work together:
  7. Review the conditional booking parameter, LOCATION ALIAS SHIPMENT SAVED QUERY ID. This can be used to help find the location ID, if the location ID is not provided by the service provider.
  8. Review thresholds and threshold definitions. You may want to create a new threshold and define threshold definitions for shipment_stop_estimated_departure and shipment_stop_estimated_arrival. This will enable tenders to be automatically accepted even if changed by the service provider if the changes are within the threshold. If changes are not within the threshold, or if thresholds are not defined, the status will be Accepted Conditionally.
  9. There is a public agent: Shipment Conditional Booking - Rerate and Redrive. This agent listens for conditional booking modified events and rerates and/or redrives the shipment and conditionally redrives downstream shipments and upstream shipments depending on location profile and shipment status. This is inactive by default. You may want to copy it and activate the new one.
  10. Review the Rerate and Redrive buy shipment action. This can also be run as a shipment agent action.
  11. Review agent gates. These impact whether changes can be made after a tender is confirmed.
    • glog.server.workflow.shipment.ShipmentStatus$Accept
    • glog.server.workflow.shipment.TenderCollaborationStatus$Accept

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