Shipment Management

Accept Shipment with Conditional Booking

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Online Booking/Tendering > Actions > Accept Tender.

When you accept a tender, you agree to transport a shipment. Oracle Transportation Management allows service providers to accept a tender with certain conditions. The service provider can propose changes to the tender. The planner can then review the changes and approve them if acceptable. Conditional booking profiles can be defined so certain parameters are considered conditional.

The workflow parameter AUTO_UPDATE_SHIPMENT_ON_SAME_EQUIPMENT_GROUP automatically updates the shipment with equipment details if the equipment group is the same and this parameter is set to true.

View tender offers on the Online Booking and Tendering Results page and select the offers to which you want to respond. You can respond to tender offers when the tender Offer Status is OUTSTANDING or PARTIALLY ACCEPTED and the Tender Acceptance Status is either NO RESPONSE or PARTIALLY ACCEPTED.

The tender property glog.tender.avoidPickupDateCheck indicates if updates can be made to a tender after the tender is confirmed/accepted.

Reference Numbers

Enter reference numbers.


Enter remarks. Remarks for conditional booking depend on the "Conditional Booking Accept Remark Qualifier ID" set in the Conditional Booking Profile.

Remark for Conditional Booking

Enter any remarks that are specific to conditional booking.

Planner Equipment

This grid shows existing values from the shipment equipment. The existing values cannot be edited by either the planner or service provider. Any changes to the planner equipment can only be entered in the Service Provider Updated Equipment grid.

Service Provider Updated Equipment

The Service Provider Updated Equipment grid displays equipment modified by the service provider.

Conditional Booking Fields

This grid shows proposed updates from the service provider for fields from the Buy Shipment manager.

The columns displayed vary depending on the domain you are using. A few fields expect a valid location for the value (shipment source, destination, port of load, and so on). In this case, the service providers can leave the Service Providers Value field empty/null and just send in the location alias. OTM will populate fills the service providers value based on the parameter "Location Alias Shipment Saved Query".

A planner has an Approved check box so individual rows can be approved. Service providers do not have the Approved check boxes.

Generated Stop Time Fields

This grid shows fields which correspond to the shipment stops. All the values for the various time fields for the particular stop are displayed. Location Long Name and the Servprov Value fields can be changed, all other fields are for information only. The Location Long Name is only for information for the service provider.

Location Qualifier, Time Qualifier and Transport Stage Qualifier are used by middleware and can be passed into OTM. You can use these to help troubleshoot issues from the Inbound transmission sent by the service provider.

Service providers do not need to send the stop number or valid location, they can use a location alias instead. Using the parameter "Location Alias Shipment Saved Query" OTM first tries to find the Location ID that matches the location alias. If there is one location, OTM uses it to identify the right stop on the shipment. If there are multiple Location IDs, OTM filters out the locations that are not on the shipment stops. Ideally, OTM should only match one stop location. Once the stop location is identified, OTM finds the stop number and identifies the right TENDER_COLLAB_CB_FIELD record and updates the Service Provider Value field.

For a multistop shipment, all shipment stop conditional booking fields are sorted based on stop numbers and conditional booking fields related to the same stop are grouped and sorted according to sequence of the corresponding conditional booking fields. If there are 3 stops, the time fields, such as 'Pick up Stop Estimated Arrival', will display for each stop.

An Approved check box is available for the planner.

Inbound Errors

Rows only show in this section if there was an issue with XML. This is used to populate errors from Service Provider inbound XML that OTM cannot process. The table Tender_Collab_Inbound is used to insert the records. This allows the planner to manually update the Tender Collab records. Remarks will be populated with an error code if one is known.

You can review each row. After review, you can select the Validate check box to indicate the row has been reviewed. Once the Validate check box is selected, the row will no longer appear in the grid.

Approve and Accept

If no changes are made by the service provider or if changes are made that are within the threshold, approval will be automatic. If not, manual review and processing is required.

Automatic Approval

  • Approval is automatic if:
    • The service provider accepts it without any modifications (the service provider can be null) or modifications are within the defined thresholds.
    • All IDs are the same
  • You do not need to review or process with automatic approved. The following will occur:
    • The shipment will be updated with conditional booking fields that are within the threshold
    • The status of the conditional booking and shipment will be updated.

Note: When some of the service provider values are within the threshold but not all, those within the threshold are auto-approved (the check box is selected). The tender is CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED. The shipment does not get updated (even for the values within the threshold. You need to manually approve or reject the tender.

Manually Review

After you finish, or to save changes and come back later, click one of the following buttons:

  • Set All Conditional Booking Fields and Equipment as Approved: Like above, when everything is approved, the tender gets confirmed and accepted and the shipment gets updated. You do not need to accept it (nor can you since it is automatic). If all the fields are approved and saved, it is equivalent to clicking Accept.
  • Save: This saves your changes to the tender. Note that Save does not save the values to the shipment when some values are approved and others are not. If all values are approved, data is saved to the shipment.
  • Accept: Click Accept to confirm the tender and update the shipment. If all service provider fields are approved, OTM saves the data to the shipment and the tender is confirmed. If some fields are not approved, a popup shows that some are not approved. If you proceed, OTM will save the approved fields to the shipment and send a new tender out.
  • Reject: Click to reject this tender.

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