Shipment Management

Broadcast Tender/Spot Bid Response

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Online Booking/Tendering. Then perform a search for a broadcast tender or spot bid. Select the result to see this page.

This page displays summary information of the tender that was broadcast to you and other service providers for a bid response.

Note: If the shipment is spot tendered to more number of service providers, it is recommended to use the Spot Bid Tender page.

The top of the page displays the tender acceptance and offer statuses, the Respond By date and time, and the service provider. You also see details about the shipment such as the origin and destination locations, pickup/delivery dates, and content data that help you understand what you are being ask to transport.

Ship Unit Count

This section displays information about the ship unit including ship unit ID, commodities, weight, volume, and dimensions.

Planner Information

This section provides details about the planner in case you need to contact the planner that sent you the tender offer.

More Shipment Information

This section of the page displays more information about the shipment such as distances, reference numbers, and shipping entities.  

Order Information

This section provides details about the order included on the shipment.


In the Bids section, use the Bid Close Date to review the date when bidding closes (after this date, no responses can be submitted).

Note: Oracle Transportation Management can also display the Lowest Bid amount from any service provider if you configure the glog.tender.showLowestBidToServprov property. When configured, this field appears next to the Current Date and a value only appears after a bid is submitted. The default is false.

Submitting a Bid

Any of the service providers listed in the Bids grid can enter a bid.

When a service provider is responding to a spot bid tender, you can enter a pickup date in the Pickup Date field which appears next to the New Bid field.

Pickup Date entered here is stored as a remark text.

  1. Enter a bid by entering a value in the New Bid field located in the Bids grid.
  2. Click Submit Bid at the bottom of the page.

The system evaluates each submission and determines whether the bid is acceptable.

Entering Remarks for a Bid

You can either enter a remark at the same time that you enter a bid or you can enter a remark on a bid that was previously entered.

Note: A bid must exist in order to save a remark.

  1. In the Bids grid, click the plus sign next to the service provider ID that has an existing bid. A second level grid titled 'Remarks' opens.
  2. Select a Remark Qualifier ID.
  3. Enter Remark Text.
  4. Click Save to the far right of the Remarks grid.

Note: When the property, glog.webserver.opentender.mandatoryRemarksQualifierproperty, is set to true, the application verifies if at least one Remark Qualifier and one Remark Text record are available when a service provider submits a bid for broadcast tender. Default is false.

Awarding a Bid to a Service Provider

The planner can award this tender to a particular service provider:

  1. Select a service provider from the Select Service Provider list.
  2. Click Award Bid to Service Provider at the bottom of the page.

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