Shipment Management

Spot Bid Tender

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Spot Bid Tender.

Spot Bid Tendering is the process of auctioning a shipment to several carriers. Planners use Spot Bid Tender to submit or award bid for a shipment to a service provider.

Note: When logged in as a service provider, you can access the Spot Bid Tender manager. You can customize this screen via the manager layout to display the desired fields for the service provider for spot bidding. Select the tender ID and click Decline Tender on the Spot Bid Tender page to decline the tender you want.

This page displays list of service providers, shipment IDs, bid amount, spot rate adjusted cost, spot rate adjustment factor, tender related details and time period to submit a tender. You can also view other information on this page, like origin location details, destination location details, offer pickup and delivery time, shipment cost and time, etc. You can either edit a bid or add new bid amount and remarks for multiple service providers.

Note: If the shipment is spot tendered to multiple service providers, the system recommends you to use the Spot Bid Tender page.
The service provider receives the tender notification with a link that redirects to the Online Booking and Tendering screen. For spot bid tenders, set the property, glog.tender.spotbid.useNewSpotBidManagerForEmailURL, to true to navigate to the Spot Bid screen instead of Online Booking and Tendering screen. You can use the  customized Online Booking and Tendering/Spot Bid screen using Field Screen Set on Manage User Access through the following queries:

SPOT_BID_SERVPROV for Spot Bid screen
SERVPROV_TENDER_COLLAB for Online Booking and Tendering screen

There is a time limit for the various service providers to respond as defined by the SPOT BID RESPONSE TIME BEFORE SHIPMENT START parameter.

Note: For the awarded bid, when the service provider declines the tender or when the tender times out, the tender is sent to the next service provider. When you set the property, glog.tender.spotbid.avoidRetenderOnAcceptedSpotBidTender, to true, the tender will not be sent to the next service provider, and the system updates the status of the shipment to "SECURE RESOURCES_NO RESOURCES".

Note: VPD (Virtual private databases) profile that provides fine-tuned access control across or within domains does not apply on Spot Bid finder screen by default. To apply VPD profile, enable the optional feature “ENABLE VPD FOR SPOT BID FINDER”.


When this optional feature, DO NOT UPDATE SPOT BID TENDER RESPONSE TIME, is opted out, the response time is overridden by the last update made as a result of any of the following activities:

  • When the planner awards the bid to a service provider
  • If the tender is awarded to the lowest bid due to tender timeout
  • If the planner withdraws the tender

If you opt into this optional feature, the response time will not be overridden by these activities.

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