Business Process Automation

From Address Contact

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Communication Management > From Address Contacts.

Use the From Address Contact to define the name, email, and fax for a contact. You can then assign the From Address Contact to contacts, involved party qualifiers, and on domain settings. If you defined From Address Contacts on more than one of those levels (contacts, domains, or involved party qualifiers) then the system accepts them in order of precedence. The highest is Contact, then Involved Party Qualifier, and then the Domain. Any of those will override the two properties that enable you to define fax or email addresses: glog.workflow.notify.advisor.fax and

Note: This feature applies to only to Contact Notification, NOTIFY agent actions and ad-hoc report email generation.

Adding a from Address Contact:

  1. Enter a Contact ID.
  2. Enter the First Name of the contact.
  3. Enter the Last Name of the contact.
  4. Enter an Email Address.
  5. Enter a Fax number.
  6. Select a Domain Name.
  7. Click Finished.

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