Configuration and Administration

Theme Management: Select Theme

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Branding > Theme Management. It can only be accessed by someone with DBA access.

This page allows you to create and modify themes.

Selecting a Theme

  1. If a theme already exists and you want to edit it, select it in the Update Theme field. This field does not appear if there are no existing themes.
  2. If you are creating a new theme, enter a name for the theme in the Create Theme field.
  3. Click OK. The Create Theme page opens so you can finish defining the theme.

Resetting a Global Theme

If you have a global theme set, you see the ID of the Global Theme and directly beneath it the Reset Global Theme button.

Click Reset Global Theme to reset the global theme back to the default settings. When you click Reset Global Theme, the Set as Global check box on the Create Theme page is deselected.

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