Configuration and Administration

Theme Management: Create Theme

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Branding > Theme Management. Click OK to create or edit the theme. This page can only be accessed by someone with DBA access.

This page allows you to create and modify theme details for the standard user interface. Configurable details include, background color of the springboard,  images, and URLs.

Note: Only use this page for single-server installations of OTM.


There are two types of themes: global and local.

A global theme is a theme that is used by all system users. A global theme is applied across all domains and there can be only one global theme at a time. There is a shipped global theme which is the original default shipped theme.

A local theme is applied to a specific domain via the user preference of Theme ID or Stylesheet Location. If the user preference points to a local theme that setting overrides any global theme.

Creating a Global Theme

  1. Go to Configuration and Administration > Branding > Theme Management.
  2. In the Create Theme field, enter a "theme name" (for example, client199).
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select a Color Scheme to see/choose a pre-selected grouping of colors and images. There are several color schemes available by default:
    • Redwood (Default): this is the default color scheme automatically used by OTM/GTM.
    • Autumn Red
    • Crisp Green
    • Dark Blue: This theme does not include a springboard background image.
    • Dark Grey
    • Midnight Blue
    • Sky Blue
  5. Select the Set As Global Theme check box to make this theme the global theme. All existing themes will continue to extend the previous global theme; all new themes will extend this theme. For new themes, the theme will extend the shipped global theme.

    To reset the global theme, use the Reset Global Theme functionality on the Select Theme page.
  6. The Carryover Settings check box is visible when the Set As Global Theme check box is selected. When this is selected, all of the variables will be written out to the theme file. This can be important when an existing theme is set as the global theme and the global theme is being changed to this theme. Since only changed values are written out, previous settings may be lost.

    For example:
    An existing theme, called ThemeA, was previously set as the global theme and has a Login Logo set to be XYZ.jpg. You then create a new theme, ThemeB. Since ThemeA is the global theme, the current value for Login Logo will show as XYZ.jpg. You then set ThemeB to be the global theme. If the Carryover Settings check box is NOT selected, the Login Logo will not be XYZ.jpg, it will be the shipped value for Login Logo. This is because the theme will extend the shipped global theme. If the Carryover Settings is selected, then all of the variables will be written out to the theme, so the XYZ.jpg is carried from ThemeA.
  7. For variables that are images, click the Choose File button and select a new image. You can use images in GIF, PNG, JPEG, or TIFF formats. For example, .gif, .png, .jpg, and .tif.

    The new image appears only in the new image column. To see the new image appear in the current image column, you must save your changes and reload the theme from the menus.

    To remove a new image before you save your changes, click the Delete icon (Delete) icon next to the new image.
  8. To delete the Current Image for the variable Springboard Background Image, click the Delete icon (Delete) icon next to the image.
  9. Click Reset to Default to reset the Current Image to the system default. To see the new image appear in the current image column, you must save your changes and reload the theme from the menus.
  10. For variables that are URLs or labels, enter the new URL or label.
  11. Click Save.

You can update the following images, text, and labels for OTM/GTM:


Variables in this section apply to the OTM/GTM log-in page.

  • Login Logo: The image that appears in the lower right-hand corner of the Sign In To Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management screen. Only used for a global theme.

Note: By default this variable is hidden. To show this variable set the property glog.webserver.branding.showLoginOptions to true.

Note: When using a single-sign on server (SSO) such as OTM/GTM in the Cloud, this image is not used.


Variables in this section only apply to the OTM/GTM home page and Unified Global Header.

  • Header Logo: The image that appears next to the Navigator icon in the Unified Global Header.
  • Springboard Background Image: The image that appears behind the springboard.
  • Branding URL: The URL used when you click the Header Logo.
  • Springboard Background Color: The color used as the background color for the application shell. Enter a valid HTML color code or use the browser's color selection tools.
  • Main Font Color: The font color used for the top level springboard menu items. This color is also used for third level springboard menu items.
  • Springboard Submenu Font Color: The font color used for the second level springboard menu items.
  • Springboard Submenu Background Color: The background color used for the second level springboard menu items. The default is white.
  • Header Icon Color: The color used for the Unified Global Header icons.
  • Header Background Color: The color used as the background color for the Unified Global Header.
  • Title: The text displayed next to the Header Logo.


Variables in this section apply to the OTM/GTM log-out page.

  • Logout Logo: The image that appears after you click the Sign Out link to log out of OTM/GTM. Only used for a global theme.

Note: When using a single-sign on server (SSO) such as OTM/GTM in the Cloud, this image is not used.


Using a Local Theme

Creating a Local Theme

First, use the Theme Management page to create a new theme. All values are copied from the current global theme.

  1. Go to Configuration and Administration > Branding > Theme Management.
  2. In the Create Theme field, enter a "theme name" (for example, client199).
  3. Click OK.
  4. For variables that are images, click the Browse button and select a new image. You can use images in GIF, PNG, JPEG, or TIFF formats. For example, .gif, .png, .jpg, and .tif.
  5. For variables that are URLs or labels, enter the new URL or label.
  6. Click OK.

Assigning the Local Theme to a User

Then, you assign the local theme to a user via user preferences.

  1. Create a new user preference or edit an existing one.
  2. Select a Name of "Theme ID or Stylesheet Location".
  3. Enter a Value of the "exact theme name" (for example, client199) created above.
  4. Save the user preference and assign it to a user.
  5. Log out of OTM.
  6. Log back into OTM as that user to see the new theme applied.

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