Transportation Intelligence

Main Dashboard: Financials 

This report captures the key financial details related to shipments.

The report for this tab is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/_portal/Main Dashboard/Financial Tab

This tab displays the KPIs related to key financial details of shipments. The actual value of the KPI is compared against the target value with a two-color gauge showing the status of the comparison.




Threshold (Stop Light) Definition

Total Cost

Total cost of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Total Cost Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Total Cost Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base"= 0) then 100 else ("- Shipment Targets"."Total Cost Target") end

Total cost is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Total cost is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Cost Per Distance

Ratio of total cost and total distance of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Distance Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Distance Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Distance" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Distance" = 0) then 100  else "- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Distance Target" end

Cost per distance is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Cost per distance is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Cost Per Shipment

Ratio of total cost and total number of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Shipment Target" is NULL or  "- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Shipment Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Distance" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Distance" = 0) then 100 else ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Shipment Target") end

Cost per shipment is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Cost per shipment is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Cost Per CWT

Ratio of total cost and total weight of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per CWT Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per CWT Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per CWT" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per CWT" = 0) then 100  else ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per CWT Target") end

Cost per CWT is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Cost per CWT is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Cost Per Lane

Ratio of total cost and total number of lanes of shipments

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Lane Target" is NULL or  "- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Lane Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Lane" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Lane" = 0) then 100  else ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Lane Target") end

Cost per lane is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Cost per lane is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Cost Per Hour

Ratio of total cost and total hours* of shipments

*Total hours: is the total of duration (in hours) of shipments calculated as end time minus start time.

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Actual Transit Hour Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Actual Transit Hour Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Actual Transit Hour" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Actual Transit Hour" = 0) then 100  else  ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Actual Transit Hour Target") end

Cost per hour is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Cost per hour is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Cost Per Pallet

Ratio of total cost and total number of ship units of shipments.

case when ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Pallet Target" is NULL or  "- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Pallet Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Pallet" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Actual Cost Base per Pallet" = 0) then 100  else ("- Shipment Targets"."Actual Cost Base per Pallet Target") end

Cost per pallet is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Cost per pallet is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.



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