Transportation Intelligence

SERVPROV Main Dashboard

This dashboard is typically meant for service provider (carrier) users. It contains KPIs covering the key shipment information pertinent to carriers.

The report for this dashboard is located in the catalog in Shared Folders/FTI Reports/_portal/Servprov Main Dashboard

This dashboard is available as Preferred Dashboard via User Preferences.

The SERVPROV Main Dashboard contains the following prompt:

This report captures the key carrier performance related KPIs. This report section displays the KPIs compared against their respective targets as two-color gauge for the current week.




Threshold (Stop Light) Definition

% On Time Pickup

Percentage ratio of total number of on-time pickup stops and total number of pickup stops.

case when ("- Shipment Stop Pickup Targets"."% On Time Pickup Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Stop Pickup Targets"."% On Time Pickup Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Stop Pickup Facts"."% On Time Pickup" is NULL or "- Shipment Stop Pickup Facts"."% On Time Pickup" = 0) then 100  else "- Shipment Stop Pickup Targets"."% On Time Pickup Target" end

Percent on time pickup is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Percent on time pickup is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

% On Time Delivery

Percentage ratio of total number of on-time delivery stops and total number of delivery stops.

case when ("- Shipment Stop Delivery Targets"."% On Time Delivery Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Stop Delivery Targets"."% On Time Delivery Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Stop Delivery Facts"."% On Time Delivery" is NULL or "- Shipment Stop Delivery Facts"."% On Time Delivery" = 0) then 100  else "- Shipment Stop Delivery Targets"."% On Time Delivery Target" end

Percent on time delivery is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Percent on time delivery is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

% Tender Acceptance

Percentage ratio of total number of accepted tender transactions and total number of tender transactions.

case when ("- Tender Performance Targets"."Tender Performance Target" is NULL or "- Tender Performance Targets"."Tender Performance Target" = 0)  and ("- Tender Performance Facts"."% Tender Acceptance" is NULL or "- Tender Performance Facts"."% Tender Acceptance" = 0) then 100  else "- Tender Performance Targets"."Tender Performance Target" end

Percent on time tender acceptance is greater than 100% of target value then green.

Percent on time tender acceptance is less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Average Pickup Hours

Average ratio of total pickup hours difference* of pickup stops and total number of stops * Total pickup hours difference: time difference (in hours) between planned arrival time and actual arrival time at a pickup stop.

case when ("- Shipment Stop Pickup Targets"."Average Hours Outside Pickup Time Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Stop Pickup Targets"."Average Hours Outside Pickup Time Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Stop Pickup Facts"."Average Hours Outside Pickup Time" is NULL or "- Shipment Stop Pickup Facts"."Average Hours Outside Pickup Time" = 0) then 100  else "- Shipment Stop Pickup Targets"."Average Hours Outside Pickup Time Target" end

Average pickup hours are greater than 100% of target value then green.

Average pickup hours are less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Average Delivery Hours

Average ratio of total delivery hours difference* of delivery stops and total number of stops * Total delivery hours difference: time difference (in hours) between planned arrival time and actual arrival time at a delivery stop.

case when ("- Shipment Stop Delivery Targets"."Average Hours Outside Delivery Time Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Stop Delivery Targets"."Average Hours Outside Delivery Time Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Stop Delivery Facts"."Average Hours Outside Delivery Time" is NULL or "- Shipment Stop Delivery Facts"."Average Hours Outside Delivery Time" = 0) then 100  else "- Shipment Stop Delivery Targets"."Average Hours Outside Delivery Time Target" end

Average delivery hours are greater than 100% of target value then green.

Average delivery hours are less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.

Percent Claims

Average ratio of total claims made and total shipments

case when ("- Shipment Claim Targets"."Percent Claims Target" is NULL or "- Shipment Claim Targets"."Percent Claims Target" = 0)  and ("- Shipment Claim Facts"."Claim Count" is NULL or "- Shipment Claim Facts"."Claim Count" = 0 or "- Shipment Facts"."Shipment Count" is NULL or "- Shipment Facts"."Shipment Count" = 0) then 100  else "- Shipment Claim Targets"."Percent Claims Target" end

Percent claims are greater than 100% of target value then green.

Percent claims are less than 100% of target value then red.

If no data exists for the selected criteria then gray.


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