Transportation Intelligence

Transit Time Variability Dashboard

The Transit Time Variability Dashboard shows the standard deviation of transit time for the order releases.

The report for this dashboard is located in the catalog in Shared Folders/FTI Reports/_portal/Transit Time Variability

This dashboard is available as a Preferred Dashboard via User Preferences.

The Transit Time Variability Dashboard uses the following prompts:


The first graph displays the standard deviation of transit time for source and destination city. The second graph displays the standard deviation of transit time for the order counts.

The report for this section is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/_portal/Transit Time Variability Report



Metadata Mapping



Standard deviation of transit time.


IFNULL(stddev("- Order Release Facts"."Transit Time Actual Hours" ), 0)


Standard deviation of transit time for all order releases.


IFNULL(stddev("- Order Release Facts"."Transit Time Actual Hours" ), 0) * count("- Order Release Dimensions"."FTI Order Release GID" )

Total Order Releases

Total number of order releases.


count("- Order Release Dimensions"."FTI Order Release GID" )

Source City


"- Order Release Source Geography Dimensions"."City" NA


Destination City


"- Quote Destination Geography Dimensions"."City"



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