Delete Document

This page is accessed via:

  • Business Process Automation > Document Manager > Actions > Delete Document.
  • Customs > Declarations. On the Documents tab:
    • click the Actions icon  (Actions icon) next to a Additional Document > Delete Document.
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments. On the Documents tab:
    • click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to a Additional Document > Delete Document.
  • Transactions > Trade Transactions. On the Documents tab:
    • click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to a Additional Document > Delete Document.
  • Trade Agreements > Campaign Lines. On the Documents tab: 
    • click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to a Additional Document > Delete Document.
  • Master Data > Item. On the Documents tab:
    • click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to a Additional Document > Delete Document.
  • Master Data > Item Origin. On the Documents grid:
    • click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to a Additional Document > Delete Document.

This action allows you to delete an additional document associated with a business object. You can delete additional documents from the edit screen of the objects in the documents tab.

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