Shipment Management

Add Container Event

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Container Visibility. Search for a container. Then click Actions > Add Container Event.

It allows you to associate events with containers.

Shipment Criteria

  1. Select a Shipment Status type from the drop-down list.
  2. Then select the status from the adjacent drop-down list.
  3. Select a qualifier from the third drop-down list.
  4. Enter a Start Time and select a qualifier.
  5. Select a Transport Mode.

Event Details

  1. The Quick Code field provides an alternate short cut for entering status and reason codes. By entering a configured Quick Code, the Responsible Party, Status and Reason are automatically populated.
  2. Select a Responsible Party. The values that you can choose for Status and Reason are pre-configured in Status Messages Power Data and are based on the Responsible Party. The Responsible Party describes the person that has entered the event. Once you select a Responsible Party, the Status and Reason fields will have specific values to choose from.
  3. You can send anyone an email containing the currently displayed event reason information by clicking Notify and entering a valid email address. The person who you are notifying does not need to be defined as a Contact. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
  4. Select an event Status, which is a category or grouping code for event status codes. After you choose a Status, various Status Codes appear. Choose event Status and Reason codes that describe the event and a reason that the event has happened.
  5. Select a Reason and various Reason Codes are displayed. An event reason is a category or grouping for event reason codes.
  6. Shipment Events can take place at actual locations or interim positions along the shipment. You can either enter a location or a position, but not both. If you are entering an event for a position, enter the City, Province Code, and Country Code for where the event took place.
  7. If you are entering an event (Event Type) that is not stop-related, you can use the Location Name field to record the name of any location for the event. This is for information only and does not drive any business logic or shipment status changes. However, the Location Name you enter appears in the Event History log in Visibility.
  8. Enter an Event Date/Time for the event.
  9. Enter Comments if desired.
  10. The Contact Name and Contact Function Code fields serve as the signature of the person who provided the shipment event. These are part of standard 214, 314, 414 EDI forms.

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