Shipment Management

Gatehouse Events

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Gatehouse. Then click Search. Then click either Arrival Event or Departure Event for the appropriate row. The confirm Event page opens.

This page confirms the arrival or destination gatehouse event that you want to set. If all the default information is correct, click Save to set the event. If you need to change Event/Date Time or Location, do so before saving.

  1. The Shipment ID field is a read only field identifying the shipment for which you are setting the event for.
  2. The Event Type field is also a read only field. It will display Arrival, if you selected Arrival Event in the Gatehouse Events Results page, or Departure, if you selected Departure Event.
  3. The Event Date/Time field defaults to the current time. This is assuming that you are a gatehouse employee setting an event to say that the shipment is arriving or departing right now. If for some reason you need to change the date/time, for example you are setting events for shipments that departed earlier in the day, then use the calendar icon next to this field to set the date/time.
  4. The Location field defaults to the location defined via Manage User Location. This is because there is an assumption that you will be setting arrival and departure events for the location where you work.
    • If there are no specific locations set up for you in Manage User Location, then a list of valid locations appear in the drop-down list for you to select from.
    • If the location in Manage User Location does not have a matching stop, all stops are displayed so you can pick a stop location.
  5. After verifying the default information, or changing it accordingly, click Save to set the event.

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