Shipment Management

Gatehouse Events Results

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Gatehouse. Then click Search.

The Gatehouse Events Results pages display the shipments that matched the criteria from your search. The results are displayed in grid format (rows and columns). You can click + to display a Tree view of related objects beneath the parent object. Using the tree view, you will be able to drill down to a specific order base or line in that shipment.

This page provides a one-stop facility to enter arrival and departure events. It is designed with gatehouse employees in mind, who can easily select a shipment and mark it as arriving or departing from their respective location.

The columns in the results page are:

  • End Time: The expected delivery time of the shipment.
  • Shipment ID: The unique shipment identifier for the shipment.
  • Service Provider: The service provider of the shipment.
  • Source Location: The default location for the user. Since there is an assumption that a user will be setting arrival and departure events for the location they work at, this is the location defined for the user in the User Manager.
  • Arrival: Contains the link to enter an arrival event. Click to enter or modify an arrival event. Once entered, the recent event information will be displayed as a hyperlink in the place of 'Arrival Event'. You can click the link to change the event or to add a new event.
  • Departure: Contains the link 'Departure Event'. Click to enter or modify an departure event. Once entered, the recent event information will be displayed as a hyperlink in the place of 'Departure Event'. You can click the link to change the event or to add a new event.

To enter an Arrival Event, click the Arrival Event link for the desired shipment.

To enter a Departure Event, click the Departure Event link for the desired shipment.

When an Arrival or Departure Event is set, it is creating a shipment tracking event stating whether the shipment has arrived or departed. You only define the location and date/time for the event. All the other information that is usually defined for a shipment event, like Event Group and Status Code, default based on the settings of these glog.gatehouse properties: glog.gatehouse.arrival_status_code and glog.gatehouse.departed_status_code. For gatehouse events, the event group is set to Arrival (for an arrival event) or Departure (for a departure event), and the status code is set to X8 (the EDI code for arrival) or RL (the EDI code for departure).

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