Shipment Management

Add Partial Shipments to Group

This action is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Add Partial Shipments to Group
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Add Partial Shipments to Group
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Add Partial Shipments to Group

Use this action to add one or more partial shipments to an existing shipment group after validating against the configured shipment group rule if the Validate Matching Criteria check box is selected.(See Shipment Group Rule details for more information about partial shipment grouping rules.).

If the Match Order Release Reference Qual is on and another rule, say Match Service Provider (full shipment rule) is also on, even if there is only one resulting shipment group (from a bulk plan or bulk process), the shipment will display in the Partial Shipment section and all the related order releases will be listed there. Similarly, if there is an order release line reference number rule (Match Order Release Line Reference Qual is used), OTM will show all order release lines in the Partial Shipments section.

There are glog.shipgroup properties that allow you to define defaults for the input screen.

Note: Partial shipments can be added to a shipment group only if the status of the group is 'SHIP_GROUP OPEN FOR ADDITION_OPEN'.

Note: While executing the action, you can control the re-association of secondary charge shipments by using the property

If You Use Events

If you use the event "Shipment Group - Add Partial Shipment to Group" (for this action), you can decide how events are published; either once per action or once for each partial shipment added to the shipment group, using the property: glog.server.workflow.lifetime.shipmentgroup.publishPartialShipmentGroupModEventAtChildLevel.

Adding Partial Shipments to Group

  1. Select a shipment from the Shipment Manager Results page.
  2. Click the action Add Partial Shipments to Group. The Add Partial Shipments to Group page opens.
  3. Select Existing Shipments to add to the shipment. In this case the shipment is already on the group and you would like to add in order releases or order release lines. If all the orders and order line details are selected, then the shipment is considered a "Full Shipment" and is saved to the SHIP_GROUP_D table. Any partial shipment records that exist in SHIP_GROUP_D_OR for that particular shipment group will be deleted.
    Select New Shipments to add to the shipment. In this case, you want to select a new shipment to be added to the group. The action will allow you to select one or more of the order level records to be included in the group

    Note: Running the Add Partial Shipment to Group action from the Shipment manager will display the Shipment Groups search page. This allows you to select a target shipment group. Only one shipment group is allowed for this action. This action allows you to select one or more of the order level records to be included in the group once the shipment is selected.

  4. Select the shipments you want to add.
  5. Click OK.

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