Shipment Management

Build Secondary Charge Shipments

This action is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell or Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Groups and Charges > Build Secondary Charge Shipments
  • Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Groups and Charges > Build Secondary Charge Shipments

This action builds a Secondary Charge Shipment. When executed, it removes all existing secondary charge shipments associated with the shipment or shipment group. It then builds secondary charge shipments based on the secondary charge rules you have defined. Finally, it rates the secondary charge shipments.

Note: The Build Secondary Charge Shipments action enables you to create multiple secondary charge shipments with a single secondary charge rule. For example, if a secondary charge rule has three secondary charge contracts (one per row) then you can build three secondary charge shipments.

You can also use the Quantity Type parameter to create secondary charge shipments based upon actuals picked or received for a shipment (recorded using the Shipment Stop Manager).

Valid parameter values are:

  • All: create a secondary charge when any actuals are recorded for any stop on a shipment.
  • Planned: create a secondary charge when any actuals are recorded for the planned ship units on any stop.
  • Picked Up: create secondary charge when any actuals are recorded for stop with an Activity of P.
  • Received: create secondary charge when any actuals are recorded for stop with an Activity of R.

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