Shipment Management

Create Shipment Group (Auto/Manual)

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Create Shipment Group
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Create Shipment Group

Use this action on shipments to create/add to shipment groups based on a specific shipment group type or shipment group rule, or to create shipment groups manually.

Note: The number of input screens displayed when performing this action depends on the property

If the property is false, then the fields Shipment Group Type ID, Shipment Group Rule ID, and Add to existing group (If found) fields are displayed in the first input screen.

To create/add to a shipment group based on a shipment group type/shipment group rule:

  1. Enter shipment group type in the Shipment Group Type ID field. The shipment group rules associated with the selected group type will be available to be selected in the next field.
  2. Enter a shipment group rule in the Shipment Group Rule ID field.
  3. Select any one of the following options from the Add to existing group (If found) drop-down list:
    • Yes: This option will prompt OTM to look for any existing group to which the shipments can be added. If OTM doesn't find any existing shipment group based on the values entered in steps 1 and 2, it will create a new shipment group based on the rule or the type specified.
    • No: This option will prompt OTM to create a new shipment group based on the rule or the type specified.
  4. Click Next. The result screen will display the list of the shipment group(s) created, updated, or the shipments that failed to be in a group.

Note: If you click Next on this page without entering values in the Shipment Group Type ID and Shipment Group Rule ID fields, you will be redirected to the Shipment Groups page.

If the property is true, then you can create a shipment group manually. In this scenario, when you run the action, you will be redirected to the Shipment Groups page where you can enter the necessary details.

Note: See the property to consider shipments with no itinerary while creating/adding to a shipment group.

Note: See the glog.shipgroup.createShipmentGroup.useShipmentDomain property to create a shipment group with one of the related shipment domains.

Note: The Create Shipment Group action will be deprecated in the future.

Create Shipment Group Auto

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Create Shipment Group Auto.

Use this action on shipments to create/add to shipment groups automatically based on a specific shipment group type or shipment group rule.

To create/add to a shipment group automatically:

  1. Enter shipment group type in the Shipment Group Type ID field. The shipment group rules associated with the selected group type will be available to be selected in the next field.
  2. Enter a shipment group rule in the Shipment Group Rule ID field.
  3. Select any one of the following options from the Add to existing group (If found) drop-down list:
    • Yes: This option will prompt OTM to look for any existing group to which the shipments can be added. If OTM doesn't find any existing shipment group based on the values entered in steps 1 and 2, it will create a new shipment group based on the rule or the type specified.
    • No: This option will prompt OTM to create a new shipment group based on the rule or the type specified.
  4. Click Next. The result screen will display the list of the shipment group(s) created, updated, or the shipments that failed to be in a group.

Create Shipment Group Manual

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Create Shipment Group Manual.

Use this action on shipments to create/add to shipment groups manually.

Running this action will redirect you to the Shipment Groups page where you can enter the necessary details.

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Shipment Group