Shipment Management

Remove Partial Shipments from a Group

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Remove Partial Shipments from Group
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Remove Partial Shipments from Group
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Remove Partial Shipments from Group

Use this action to remove a partial shipment from the shipment group to which it is assigned.

Note: A partial shipment can be removed from a shipment group only if the status of the group is 'SHIP_GROUP OPEN FOR ADDITION_OPEN'.

Note: While executing the action, you can control the re-association of secondary charge shipments by using the property

If You Use Events:

If you use the event "Shipment Group - Remove Partial Shipment from Group" (for this action), you can decide how events are published; either once per action or once for each partial shipment removed from the shipment group, by the setting the property: glog.server.workflow.lifetime.shipmentgroup.publishPartialShipmentGroupModEventAtChildLevel.

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