Order Management

Plan From/To Location

Plan From/To Location fields let you override the default alternate location from which an order will be sourced/delivered for transportation planning purposes. This default is defined as the Substitute Location in the Location Manager. It allows you to specify an alternate location based on the Source/Destination Location that you record for the order. If you specify a Source Location and not a Plan From Location, the Plan From Location field will be automatically populated, when you save, with the Substitute Location from the Location Manager. Although if you manually specify the Plan From Location, it will not be cleared or changed to the substitute location value.

For example, you may order goods from a supplier at one location but the goods may actually ship from a different location. For any location that you define in Location Manager, you can record a Substitute Location. This Substitute Location is copied to the Plan From Location field on the order release when the order is released. However, you can use this field to override the Substitution Location that is mapped to the Source Location you entered on the order.

When creating an order, Oracle Transportation Management first checks for a Plan To/From Location on the order base line item. If the fields are blank, Oracle Transportation Management checks for a Substitute Location defined on the locations identified as the Source or Destination location for the line item. If an alternate location is found for either location, it is copied to the Plan To or Plan From Location field when the order is saved. When the order is released, these locations are also copied to the order release.

Some orders that match an itinerary may not be routed on all legs of the itinerary. For example, an order may only be planned on the Source Location to the Port of Discharge. To keep the itinerary definitions simple and the number of itineraries small, Oracle Transportation Management can match to the itineraries based on the actual source/destination of the order, but only plan it on the legs between the Plan From and Plan To Locations on the order, when provided. To do this, you must configure the Short Circuit parameter.

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