Remove Planned Shipment Ship Units

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Remove Planned Shipment Ship Units. 

This action removes any shipment ship units that do not match the field name and the value included in the planning parameters:  FIELD NAME FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED and FIELD VALUE FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED. Shipment Actuals business logic is executed after removing the planned shipment ship units. If all the shipment ship units are deleted and the shipment has no shipment ship units, the shipment also gets deleted. 

Note: The value of the planning parameter FIELD NAME FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED should match with the field name in the S_SHIP_UNIT table.

For Example, FIELD NAME FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED is set to RECEIVED_SHIP_UNIT_COUNT, and FIELD VALUE FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED is set to 1 in the parameter set. When the action Remove Planned Shipment Ship Units is run, the shipment ship units for the selected shipment that do not have the RECEIVED_SHIP_UNIT_COUNT as 1 will be deleted. 

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