Licenses and Registrations

License Exceptions

If after reviewing the Commerce Control List (CCL) in combination with the Country Chart, a determination is made that a license is required for the destination, the exporter will want to determine if a License Exception applies, exempting the exporter from the license requirement.

An exporter’s item or activity may meet the conditions for more than one License Exception. Moreover, although it may not qualify for some License Exceptions, it may qualify for others. A review of the broadest License Exceptions should be done first, and any available License Exception may be used. It is not required to use the most restrictive applicable License Exception. If the transaction fails to qualify for the License Exception that was first considered, any other License Exception may be considered until it has been determined that no License Exception is available.

Note: License Exceptions generally are not available to overcome General Prohibitions Four through Ten. However, select License Exceptions for embargoed destinations are specified in part 746 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and License Exceptions for short supply controls are specified in part 754 of the EAR.

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