Master Data

GTM Location: Identification

This page is accessed via Master Data > Locations.

Use this page to manage location information which is part of Contact, Item, and Transaction records.

Note: If you change the location or the locations address after having performed Restricted Party screening, a full Restricted Party Screening can be conducted a second time.


  1. Enter a unique ID for this location in the Location ID field.

    Note: If you do not provide an ID, GTM will generate one for you.

  2. Enter the location name in the Name field.
  3. Select an existing Region ID.
  4. If desired, enter a location description.
  5. Select the Domain Name where this information will be used.


Use the fields in the Address section to record relevant location information. Two fields, Country Code and Time Zone, are mandatory.

Reference Numbers

  1. Select a reference number qualifier from the Reference Number Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter a reference number in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.

    Note: You can add as many reference number qualifiers and numbers as you need. Remember to click Save after recording each line.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Communication and Remarks to move to the next tab.

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