Master Data

Data Version

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Data Loading > Data Version.

Use this page to define a new version of external data that you import for use in the screening process.

Adding a Data Version

  1. Enter an ID in the Data Version ID field.
  2. Enter the type ID in the Content Type ID field.
  3. Enter a source ID in the Content Source ID field.
  4. Enter a date in the Source Date field. This is the effective date of the new version.
  5. Enter a value in the Load State field.  
  6. If this is the current version of the data, select the Current option.
  7. Select a domain from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  8. If this version is marked for purge, select the Marked For Purge option.
  9. Click Finished.


If you view or edit an existing data version, you have access to several actions.
  • Audit Trail: opens the Audit Trail window where you can trace activity.
  • Mark for Purge: marks the record to be purged.
  • Set As Current: sets the status of the selected version as current.

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