Master Data

Product Classification Code Mappings

Note: The use of this power data is deprecated as of release 6.4.3.

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Product Classification > Product Classification Code Mappings.

Use this page to assign an existing product classification code to another classification system.

Mapping a Product Classification Code

  1. Enter a mapping ID in the Product Classification Code Mapping ID field.
  2. Enter the source classification type in the Source Classification Type field.
  3. Enter the source classification code in the Source Product Classification Code field.
  4. Enter the target classification type in the Target Classification Type field.
  5. Enter the target classification code in the Target Product Classification Code field.
  6. Enter a value in the Instance Count field if you know the count. Instance count is the number of times this code has been mapped from the source to the target.
  7. Enter a data version in the Data Version field.
  8. Select a domain in which this mapping ID will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  9. Click Finished.

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